Welcome from the President, ® Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta , Inc. n behalf of our corporate sponsors for their fi reworks shows are some of the Board of fi nancial support that allows us our most popular events. The Directors, staff to put on a world-class event fl ying competitions during the and hundreds while always striving to improve weekdays can be immensely of Navigators our guest experience. We are enjoyable to watch, as the pilots (volunteers), also fortunate to have neighbors skillfully attempt to accomplish O welcome who continue to work with us their particular task of the to the 2019 Albuquerque to improve the relationship day. Music Fiesta has grown in International Balloon Fiesta between AIBF and our local popularity over the years and presented by Canon. community. Finally, a heartfelt will be the second Saturday As a native of Albuquerque, thank you to our dedicated (October 12). New Mexico, I have had the pilots and crews who join us Whether you are a fi rst- great fortune to grow up around from all around the world each time visitor, a fellow native, or our great annual celebrations, year to make our event so fortunate enough to return each beginning with the one that wonderful and unique. year, we hope you thoroughly started it all in 1972, when I was This year’s event offers a enjoy the City of Albuquerque, not yet quite old enough to walk variety of amazing events from the State of New Mexico and on my own. It is a true honor before the sun rises until the the 48th Albuquerque to work with our wonderful stars once again fi ll the sky International Balloon Fiesta, community to ensure Balloon in the evening. There is truly PI ­ P­ F­€ Fiesta® will launch (and land!) nothing like the unparalleled for future generations to enjoy it sight of the skies fi lled with as much as I have. balloons during our Mass The Balloon Fiesta could not Ascensions. We are very operate without the support of pleased to once again host our hundreds of Navigators who the prestigious and elegant Ty Young selfl essly volunteer countless America’s Challenge Gas President hours throughout the year to Balloon Race after a one-year Albuquerque ensure the continued success hiatus. The evening magic International of our event. Thank you also to of the Balloon Glows and Balloon Fiesta, Inc ® Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta 2019 ffi cial Proram 4

2019 AIBF Program - Page 6 2019 AIBF Program Page 5 Page 7