2019 ›œITA‹› A™AœŠ HONORING GEORGE HAHN The Albuquerque International Bal a gas balloon rating an €artici€ate in A›œ•Oƒ one of Albuquerque’s an the loon Fiesta AIBF eritage Aar the Balloon Fiesta’s earl‚ gas balloon countr‚’s olest an most establishe recogni es iniiuals ho hae mae com€etitions in the 19‘0s… balloon sales an re€air facilities… e signifi cant an longtime contributions In the ne”t ecaeƒ ‹eorge became ran A›œ•O for nearl‚ ž0 ‚ears an also to Balloon Fiesta through €reseration a leaing fi gure both in the Balloon briefl ‚ ha an onershi€ interest in Ÿ– of AIBF cor€orate or eent histor‚ƒ €ro Fiesta an in the ballooning communit‚ƒ balloon manufacturer Firefl ‚ Balloon motionƒ communicationƒ or eucational es€eciall‚ ell Žnon for €romoting ™orŽs¡Barnes… As a res€ecte instruc actiitiesƒ or through other innoations continuing eucation for €ilots an safe tor an FAA Šesignate Pilot ›”aminerƒ that hae been shon to hel€ achiee fl ‚ing €ractices… e became the •hief ‹eorge traine an¡or certifi e o ens AIBF’s mission statement… This ‚ear’s –afet‚ Offi cer for AIBF in 19‘†ƒ Assis of balloon €ilots… e as an organi er inner has been €art of the Balloon tant Balloonmeister in 19‘‰ƒ an Bal an €artici€ant in numerous safet‚ Fiesta for more than †0 ‚earsƒ €la‚ing loonmeister in 19‘— an 19‘ˆ… ‹eorge seminars in Albuquerque an across the a ma‡or role not onl‚ in AIBFƒ but in the sere 22 ‚ears on the Balloon Fiesta countr‚ an gae regular safet‚ talŽs to ballooning communit‚ in Albuquerque Boar of Širectorsƒ incluing terms as grou€s of €ilots… an nationie… ˜icePresient in 19‘9 an 1990 an as Although ‹eorge an his ife Alice In 19ˆ‰ƒ an Albuquerque ortho€eic Presient in 1991… ™hile on the boarƒ are no in retirement in Te”asƒ he re surgeonƒ Šr… Bob Bensonƒ gae ‹eorge ‹eorge €la‚e a Že‚ role in im€roing mains an actie an ai su€€orter of ahn his fi rst balloon rieŒ an ‹eorge’s the organi ation’s fi scalƒ managementƒ AIBF… A great raconteurƒ ‹eorge is still life change foreer… e bought his an bugeting €ractices… is goal as a troe of ballooning talesƒ all e”cit fi rst balloon Snapdragonƒ an in quicŽ to buil a sounƒ businessliŽe o€eration ingƒ some een trueƒ an all €art of the succession in 19ˆˆ an 19ˆ‘ earne his hile at the same time concentrating magic that is ballooning an Balloon €riate an commercial €ilot ratingsƒ on safet‚ an fun for €artici€ants in the Fiesta… learning b‚ fl ‚ing at eer‚ o€€ortunit‚ Balloon Fiesta… šuch of his orŽ still hen conitions een marginall‚ €er guies AIBF’s o€erations to this a‚… mitte… B‚ the summer of 19ˆ‘ƒ ‹eorge –imultaneousl‚ƒ ‹eorge remaine as alrea‚ a sŽille – an guts‚ inole in €romoting ballooning gen com€etitie €ilot… e soon also earne erall‚… In the mi 19‘0s he acquire Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta 2019 Offi cial Program 114 ®