2019 ›œITA‹› A™AœŠ HONORING GEORGE HAHN The Albuquerque International Bal a gas balloon rating an €artici€ate in A›œ•Oƒ one of Albuquerque’s an the loon Fiesta AIBF eritage Aar the Balloon Fiesta’s earl‚ gas balloon countr‚’s olest an most establishe recogni es ini­iuals ho ha­e mae com€etitions in the 19‘0s… balloon sales an re€air facilities… e signifi cant an longtime contributions In the ne”t ecaeƒ ‹eorge became ran A›œ•O for nearl‚ ž0 ‚ears an also to Balloon Fiesta through €reser­ation a leaing fi gure both in the Balloon briefl ‚ ha an onershi€ interest in Ÿ– of AIBF cor€orate or e­ent histor‚ƒ €ro Fiesta an in the ballooning communit‚ƒ balloon manufacturer Firefl ‚ Balloon motionƒ communicationƒ or eucational es€eciall‚ ell Žnon for €romoting ™orŽs¡Barnes… As a res€ecte instruc acti­itiesƒ or through other inno­ations continuing eucation for €ilots an safe tor an FAA Šesignate Pilot ›”aminerƒ that ha­e been shon to hel€ achie­e fl ‚ing €ractices… e became the •hief ‹eorge traine an¡or certifi e o ens AIBF’s mission statement… This ‚ear’s –afet‚ Offi cer for AIBF in 19‘†ƒ Assis of balloon €ilots… e as an organi er inner has been €art of the Balloon tant Balloonmeister in 19‘‰ƒ an Bal an €artici€ant in numerous safet‚ Fiesta for more than †0 ‚earsƒ €la‚ing loonmeister in 19‘— an 19‘ˆ… ‹eorge seminars in Albuquerque an across the a ma‡or role not onl‚ in AIBFƒ but in the ser­e 22 ‚ears on the Balloon Fiesta countr‚ an ga­e regular safet‚ talŽs to ballooning communit‚ in Albuquerque Boar of Širectorsƒ incluing terms as grou€s of €ilots… an nationie… ˜icePresient in 19‘9 an 1990 an as Although ‹eorge an his ife Alice In 19ˆ‰ƒ an Albuquerque ortho€eic Presient in 1991… ™hile on the boarƒ are no in retirement in Te”asƒ he re surgeonƒ Šr… Bob Bensonƒ ga­e ‹eorge ‹eorge €la‚e a Že‚ role in im€ro­ing mains an acti­e an a­i su€€orter of ahn his fi rst balloon rieŒ an ‹eorge’s the organi ation’s fi scalƒ managementƒ AIBF… A great raconteurƒ ‹eorge is still life change fore­er… e bought his an bugeting €ractices… is goal as a tro­e of ballooning talesƒ all e”cit fi rst balloon Snapdragonƒ an in quicŽ to buil a sounƒ businessliŽe o€eration ingƒ some e­en trueƒ an all €art of the succession in 19ˆˆ an 19ˆ‘ earne his hile at the same time concentrating magic that is ballooning an Balloon €ri­ate an commercial €ilot ratingsƒ on safet‚ an fun for €artici€ants in the Fiesta… learning b‚ fl ‚ing at e­er‚ o€€ortunit‚ Balloon Fiesta… šuch of his orŽ still hen conitions e­en marginall‚ €er guies AIBF’s o€erations to this a‚… mitte… B‚ the summer of 19ˆ‘ƒ ‹eorge –imultaneousl‚ƒ ‹eorge remaine as alrea‚ a sŽille – an guts‚  in­ol­e in €romoting ballooning gen com€etiti­e €ilot… e soon also earne erall‚… In the mi 19‘0s he acquire Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta 2019 Offi cial Program 114 ®

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