WWeelclcoome frme froom the Prm the Preesident and Csident and COOOO,, Canon U.S.A., Inc. Welcome to the 2019 oner…ul qualit o… the settin‚ an most importantl, learn Albuquerque International ith creatie ima‚er un…olin‚ an be inspire b our Canon Balloon Fiesta, presente b in the sies aboe. At Canon e‹perts throu‚h select ‚uie Canon, an eent lie no other U.S.A., e are er e‹cite photo als o… the e‹perience. in hich e ourne to the …or this ear’s theme “ƒicture Also be sure to mar our io rane €alle to itness ƒer…ect,” as it hols a similar calenars an be onsite …or the an ocument a picturesque meanin‚Œ ith our …ocus on fi rst an last as o… the Balloon mornin‚ s painte ith ibrant elierin‚ the ri‚ht creatie tools Fiesta, in hich the “Canon See hot air balloons. We are prou to capture this e‹quisite settin‚ Impossible” balloon ill be the to be the ƒresentin‚ Sponsor in the hi‚hest qualit, eepin‚ fi rst to rise an punctuate the an „…fi cial Ima‚in‚ Compan o… the memories o… the Balloon s both urin‚ the „penin‚ one o… the most photo‚raphe Fiesta soarin‚ hi‚h een hen Ža ‘ass Ascension an the eents in the orl …or the fi …th ou return home an share our ’i‚ht ‘a‚ic lo™. consecutie ear. photos ith …amil an …riens. We loo …orar to meetin‚ We establishe a Customer At this ear’s …estiities, ou an helpin‚ ou to shape Support Center eep in the e inite ou to …uel our this ma‚ical e‹perience into an heart o… the Cit o… Albuquerque ima‚ination, immerse ourseles eerlastin‚ memor. fi e ears a‚o. It is a pleasure in the surrounin‚s, an tae an honor to …eel so connecte aanta‚e o… all Canon has to to a communit in hich e o……er. ‡est out our creatiit an establishe roots, an e loo sample our cameras an lenses …orar to continuin‚ to ‚ro onsite, capture the moment ith ”ein „‚aa our presence ithin this namic a souenir photo, e‹perience ƒresient an C„„ cit in the ears to come. our e‹pert serice an support, Canon U.S.A., Inc. ‡his ear’s theme is “ƒicture learn about our onsite e‹clusie ƒer…ect,” epictin‚ the iscounts on Canon proucts, ® 6 Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta 20 Offi cial Proram