Country’s Most Exciting Artists Headline the ™ SEVENTH MUSIC FIESTA If you’re a country music fan, Balloon Fiesta Park is the place to be on the second Saturday of October! Every year, the lbuuerue International Balloon Fiesta’s® annual usic Fiesta hosts hot youn country artists for an afternoon of music and fun Plan to stay for the iht aic Balloon lo and fter lo Fireorks! Justin Moore •e Artist of te ear tro‚ at An Arkansas native o gre u te A–… Aars after releasing is ioliing igt oakam an eit criticall‚ acclaime tir albumƒ €itle‚ƒ „ustin …oore knos a ting “Off ‹e Beaten Pat”ƒ an in 201—ƒ or to about it recors imself† e roe “ina on’t –are”ƒ is ‡e lane is fi rst countr‚ ˆ1 it tir consecutive ˆ1 recor† ‡is lat‘ “Šmall ‹on ŒŠAƒ” te breakout est albumƒ “’ate •igts an ’ong‘ single off is 2009 self‘title ebut† necksƒ” tis its ca to Alan „ackson ‹e recor ent latinumƒ as i its an ˜eorge Štrait it a no‘frills 2011 follo‘uƒ “Outlas ’ike …eƒ” ortrait of small‘ton life an ic ‚iele ‚et anoter ˆ1 single big‘time reams tat’s not afrai it “If ‡eaven €asn’t Šo Far Aa‚†” to let its air on an art‚ at In 201”ƒ …oore lane te covete te en of a ar a‚’s ork† ‹e •e ork ‹imes aile …oore as roof tat “ol forms can stan even stronger it in™ections of ne ieas†” Cassadee Pope ‡itmaker –assaee Poe foun er nominee after assion for music at a ‚oung age ‘ inning Šeason ›† Šince tenƒ se singing 90’s countr‚ covers at local as returne to er countr‚ roots† talent contests in er ometon of ‡er its “€asting All ‹ese ‹ears” €est Palm Beacƒ F’† As a teen‘ an “Šummer” became fan favoritesƒ agerƒ er musical tastes sifte er an no as an ineenent artistƒ to unk rock as se became te se as foun creative freeom it lea singer for an travele te ne songs “‹ake ou ‡omeƒ” “One orl touring it er ban ‡e‚ …ore œe ’igt’ an er latest single …ona‚† After acceting an invi‘ “If …‚ ‡eart ‡a A ‡eart†” –assaee tation to comete for a sot on as recentl‚ fi nise er fi rst ine‘ ‹e šoiceƒ se became te fi rst enent countr‚ albumƒ ‘Štages’ƒ female inner an ˜ramm‚ ic is available noŸ Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta 2019 Offi cial Program 16 ®