IN REMEMBERANCE O˜I BAUGH ŽˆšŽŸ CLARK BI‰‰ CUTTER Few people’s contributions in te –enial inl Žuc Žlar loall In une 19‹1 two broters ascene – istor of te Balloon Fiesta equal sere te Albuquerque International accientall or not – into te Albuquer„ tose of oi Baug wo in te 1990s Balloon Fiesta for 1— ears as a member que s ies an inaertentl cange transforme te mar eting of te eent€ of te Boar of ˜irectors two of tem our cit’s istor€ One of course was In sligtl more tan a ecae oi as Boar ‚ecretar †200™„0‹‡€ Žuc ‚i Žutter€ ‘e oter was is broter create a sponsorsip structure wic was a š‚ ›a eteran an partner wit Bill wo li e ‚i was alrea a legen„ brougt in muc neee reenue is broter ˜on in te famil business ar aiator an is partner in te pio„ elping to grow te Balloon Fiesta an Žlar ‘ruc œquipment€ ˆe fl ew bot neering aiation business foune b improe its amenities for corporate airplanes an balloons an consiere teir parents€ ‰i e ‚i Bill caugt te sponsors an guests€ ‚e also oersaw te ballooning communit an te Bal„ ballooning bug ta ing te balloon bac maƒor improements to accommoa„ loon Fiesta famil to be is eŠtene to PoeniŠ were e was running Žut„ tions for te meia an te reamp„ famil€ Žuc lost is courageous battle ter Fling ‚erice’s Ari’ona operations€ ing of te Balloon Fiesta’s souenir wit prostate cancer last ˜ecember ‘oug Bill lie in Ari’ona an ran program€ oi steppe own after te an is muc misse b is colleagues Žutter Aiation for te rest of is life 2002 Balloon Fiesta but continue to on te boar an te balloon fi el€ e continue tangentiall to pla a role elp out wit special eents for te Bal„ in Albuquerque an te Balloon Fiesta€ loon …useum †notabl te International Bill was one of te “Original 1”” partici„ Balloon Feeration †FAI‡ ˆall of Fame pants in te er fi rst Balloon Fiesta in inuction ceremon‡ an to support 19‹2 an was a regular participant in te Balloon Fiesta€ ‰ast fall prescientl te eent for ecaes€ ‘e fact tat Bill or not se tol friens tat ear’s FAI was able to ta e oer te famil busi„ ceremon woul be er last eent as ness arguabl free ‚i up to pursue inee it was€ ‚e passe awa quietl a full„time career in ballooning an to an uneŠpectel tis spring€ nurture wat became toa’s Balloon Fiesta€ A master pilot wo spent a life„ time in te s Bill is misse b aiators trougout te ‚outwest€ Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta 2019 Offi cial Program 108 ®