PhotPhotoo TTiiss ˆƒ ˆOLD AND TA’ƒ R„€’€ Œere are some tis for getting ama…ing images of tis sectacular eent‹ DAWN PATROL A€‚ƒND„N‡ ˆALLOON€ Rising into the still-dark ˆ this oint in the morn- skies each morning are the ing the hori‰on will e Dawn Patrol. At 6A eer awash with irant colors da Dawn Patrol ilots as alloons infl ate and head into the air with onl take to the skies to fl their rners to light the across the alle. a Šantastic light disla. D•R„N‡ “OT A„R wa. Pro Ti Once te sun is ˆALLOON ‘L„‡“T Pro Ti Early in te morn on te rise try to soot Pro Ti Fireor‚s nee ing e suggest using a tri it te sun to your sie or long e‡osure times so ‡oing on a alloon ride– o an remote If you use bac‚ At tis osition you use a trio for tis eent ‡et o r camera in either your trio an ae an I€ can use it to better so A remote or cable release A to or P —Program˜ ode lens ma‚e sure you turn off te cure of te balloons reents acciental cam so o can Šoc s on o r te I€ function ile you an illuminate teir colors era sa‚e to you get clear aerial e™erience instead soot €ince te balloons sar images ˆe balloons oŠ the camera settings. lift off ile it’s still ar‚ ˆALLOON ‡LOW on’t be moing eiter so Pro Ti ‰o oul be a outsie a ieangle lens This sets the mood Šor a turn off autofocus to ‚ee great time to bring a oint is ieal magical eening. Don’t it from raining your cam ansoot ‰ec‚ stras an miss the twinkling lights era battery „se a longer rist stras are your best A€€ A€‚ƒN€„ON oŠ random alloons Œ st sutter see to increase frien Šit your camera This is when the alloon eŠore the order Šor ”All te trails of te fi reor‚s roerly secure to your fi eld kicks into high-gear. ‡low” when a warm light erson you can feel more Pilots will fi re their ill minates the entire fi eld. €Pƒ‚„AL €“APƒ confi ent sooting e‡treme rners shooting fl ames Pro Ti A†ust your angle ˆALLOON€ angles into the alloons to infl ate €etu your gear it te them. main fi el in front of you The €ecial €hae Ro- Pro Ti „se a ieangle an te mountainsie deo™ and €ecial €hae ˆe ‚reatie Šeter lens to get otos of te bein you for te best ‡lowdeo™ are oth a ig you’re going for a ay or groun actiity „se a sots „se a trio an a hit with kids and ad lts te entire eent tere are teleoto…oom lens to get ireless remote or cable alike. lenty of cances to grab etail sots or ortraits release to reuce motion Pro Tis Frame oter bal ama…ing sots Šile e’e of reactions in te cro blur loons it te ones in te suggeste some camera €ooting it te sun ris foregroun „se secial settings ere te ultimate ing bein te balloons ‘„RƒWOR’€ sae balloons as fun goal is for you to ae fun‹ ill roie some beautiful ‡etting o r camera bac‚ros for family o Fin your on style an silouettes an a ambi dialed-in to the correct tos an selfi es see at you li‚e best ance to te scene settings can make or reak Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta® 2019 Offi cial Program 28