BRANDING ® BALLOON FIESTA A logo is a symbol used by an organization to identify its products or services. A theme is a recurring subject that identifi es an experience. BY TOM MCCONNELL FOR THE AIBF HERITAGE COMMITTEE Œhe Albuquerque Inter co righte animals for his ® national Balloon Fiesta balloon rall ‚ ˆence the is no ifferent‚ Ž€en for st lie roarunner in the €er fi rst Balloon Fi the balloon for the 19‘2 esta in 19‘2 ’hich as rogram‚ †i also use calle “International Bal this same ”oarunner loon Festi€al “ ”all ”• inaballoon logo for founer †i –utter ha to the titleage of his come u ith a logo that nel forme balloon oul con€e the magic club› Albuquerque Aero an fun of a orlclass bal stat Ascension Association‚ loon e€ent‚ †i ultimatel Œhe famous –o ote as No matter ho big or ho small ecie to use a south ae for the actual almost all businesses an organiations estern theme coie race the fi rst balloon sooner or later face the challenge of from the ˆare “ ˆoun ing cometition to coming u ith some in of s mbol races of earl Žuroean come to Ne ˜e™ico‚ or logo that at a mere glance not onl an American balloon Œhe ne™t ear hen ientifi es the organiation to its cus e€ents here the ˆare †i agree to host tomers but also lea€es the customer balloon taes off fi rst the fi rst šorl ˆotAir ith a clear imression of hat the or chase b the ˆoun bal Balloon –hamion ganiation is an oes‚ ƒolen Arches loons‚ ˆe ne that the fl eet shis he again contacte an one„ “†ooshes” on shoes„ ˆo foote selomfl ing roarunner šarner Brothers an got ermission šarner Brothers an got ermission ‘bout that ale ith the bite out of as the state bir of Ne ˜e™ico‚ to use the –o ote an the ”oarunner to use the –o ote an the ”oarunner it„ None of those logos inclue the ˆe contacte šarner Brothers the to a€ertise the secon e€ent‚ †e€eral organiation’s name – but most eole creators of the famous ”oarunner osters ere mae to romote the can rattle off the name of the coman an –o ote animate fi lm cartoons 19‘œ e€ent an the title as change ithout e€en thining about it‚ an got ermission to use to of their to “Albuquerque International –o ote Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta 2019 Offi cial Program 74 ®