nings of an actie „lanning and nings of an actie „lanning and ting tat can be logoed †ometimes im„lementation grou„ ‹is im„lementation grou„ ‹is te colors cange‚ but te basic logo cor„oration as been fi nancing cor„oration as been fi nancing remains te same on all te arious and „roducing te AIBF eent and „roducing te AIBF eent uses for ŠŠ of our noƒ Š• €ears for ŠŠ of our noƒ Š• €ears In addition to te Balloon Fiesta’s –arious attem„ts at fi nd –arious attem„ts at fi nd cor„orate logo‚ eac €ear’s eent as ing a suitable ing a suitable its oƒn slogan‚ or catc logo for te logo for te „rase – for e™am„le‚ tis cor„oration cor„oration €ear’s teme is “Picture resulted in resulted in Perfect‚” and a„„ro„riatel€ te creation te creation ac”noƒledges ­anon as te of a neƒ of a neƒ „resenting s„onsor logo in te logo in te mid 19•0s mid 19•0s An article An article in te 19•Š in te 19•Š Bal Bal loon Fiesta loon Fiesta „rogram „rogram attributes attributes tis design tis design to Albu to Albu querque querque ffrreeeellaannccee aarrttiisstt RRiicc”” freelance artist Ric” RRooddeess‚‚ ƒƒoossee ssuubbmmiissssiioonn Rodes‚ ƒose submission ƒƒaass ccoosseenn ffrroomm aammoonngg ƒas cosen from among ddoo‘‘eennss ooff eennttrriieess ‹‹iiss llooggoo do‘ens of entries ‹is logo Roadrunner Balloon Fiesta” Purists ad a ca„ital “A” for Albu ad a ca„ital “A” for Albu note tat it sould ae been “Road querque‚ created b€ using querque‚ created b€ using runner ­o€ote Balloon Fiesta‚” since a balloon as te center of a balloon as te center of te Roadrunner ƒas being „ursued te “A” †ome said tis te “A” †ome said tis b€ te ­o€ote and not te oter ƒa€ logo loo”ed li”e tƒo seals logo loo”ed li”e tƒo seals around… †id een ad a s„ecial Raen bar”ing at eac oter bar”ing at eac oter balloon made ƒit te ‡arner Bros ‹e circa 19•’ logo ‹e circa 19•’ logo ­o€ote on one side and te Roadrun endured until 199• ner on te oter – te image ere ƒas ƒen —€nda ­ris„ino‚ ƒen —€nda ­ris„ino‚ used as te coer „oto on te 19‰Š a long time balloon „rogram ‹is balloon‚ Roadrunner II‚ ist and gra„ic artist ƒas often used as te “Roadrunner” and „resentl€ te AIBF and „resentl€ te AIBF for subsequent balloon races rece„tionist‚ created In 19‰Š‚ †id ad te idea of creating te current logo It a cor„oration to „roduce and ost ot cleerl€ s„ells out “Bal cleerl€ s„ells out “Bal er balloon rallies Œe called it ‡orld loon Fiesta” using bot loon Fiesta” using bot Balloon ­am„ionsi„s‚ Inc ‹at ƒas gra„ics – te multi ƒen †id’s famous ‡orld balloons colored balloons – and colored balloons – and began a„„earing Œe ultimatel€ ad te ƒord “Fiesta‚” and te ƒord “Fiesta‚” and fi e of tem‚ of arious si‘es ‡en e re„resents a bold‚ organi‘ed and „roduced te second colorful identit€ for ‡orld Œot Air Balloon ­am„ion a bold and colorful si„s in 19‰’‚ e again lost mone€ on eent ‹e logo in tis ugel€ acclaimed eent ‹is ƒas arious colors and ƒen a non „rofi t organi‘ation came forms a„„ears on into being‚ su„„orted b€ local busi eer€ting from te nesses and olunteers and our ten balloon to ˜ac”ets‚ ma€or‚ Œarr€ “inne€‚ ƒic became letteread‚ bum ”noƒn as “Albuquerque International „er stic”ers‚ „ins‚ Balloon Fiesta‚ Inc” ƒit a President‚ „atces‚ tote bags a committee‚ b€laƒs and te begin  „rett€ muc an€ Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta 2019 Offi cial Program 76 ®

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