Safety Tips Lovelace Health System is proud to be te offi cial ealt care proider for te 2019 Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta Belo is a list of elpful safet tips to elp ou eno our isit in good ealt 1. Limit alcohol consumption. . €hoose a place to meet in case Šoelace ‹ealt „stem’s emergenc emember€ ou’re at a mileƒig someone gets separate‚ or lost. medical professionals proide onƒ altitude€ ic could increase †a…e sure oung cildren ae site emergenc medical care for alcool’s impact some form of identifi cation on problems ranging from minor scrapes tem to eart attac…s Šoelace’s medical 2. Dress in layers. olunteers ill be located at te It’s sometimes er cool in te ƒ. Don’t “‚rive an‚ watch” at the Šoelace First Aid Œenter morning€ but after sunrise it ill same time. arm up noticeabl ‡e balloons are a magnifi cent but distracting sigt †oe 3. Bring water. completel off to te side of te „ta drated trougout te road to atc da †. ‡atch where you’re going. . se sunscreen. Beare of eicles moing around Ž © 2019 Šoelace ‹ealt „stem At a iger altitude ou’re at an te fi eld€ especiall emergenc All rigts resered ‡ese materials increased ris… for sunburn eicles tring to get troug te ma not be reproduced€ in ole or crod in part€ itout crediting Šoelace for . Bring appropriate eye use protection. 10. Bring a fl ashlight for evening „un and ind could be our events. enemies on a sunn or ind da Also€ ta…e note of ere ou par…ed our car—it’s more . Don’t smoe anywhere near the diffi cult to fi nd in te dar… ‰se alloons. te Balloon Fiesta app to pin te A lit cigarette could possibl location of our car ignite a balloon’s propane fuel tan… Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta 2019 Offi cial Program 30 ®