Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta® CONTENTS WELCOME LETTERS 4 Ty oung Presient AIBF 6 ein Ogaa Presient an OO anon ­€‚€A€ Inc€ 8 ƒic„elle …u†an ‡ris„am ‡oernor of ˆe ƒe‰ico 9 Timot„y ƒ€ eller ƒayor of Albuquerque 31 OF INTEREST 10 our ‡uie to Balloon Fiesta Šents 12 ‚c„eule of Šents 14 ‚urial ‡uie ƒa‹ 16 ƒusic Fiesta 17 Šntertainment ‚c„eule 18 2019 AIBF Offi cers an Boar of Œirectors 19 2019 ‚taff 22 2019 Offi cials 24 Balloon Fiesta ‚‹onsors 28 P„otogra‹„y Ti‹s 64 30 ‚‹ectator ‚afety Ti‹s 100 America’s „allenge ‘inners an ’ecors 108 In ’ememberance 112 201“ Balloon Fiesta ˆaigators 114 201“ ”eritage Aar 82 DIRECTORIES 31 2019 AIBF Balloon Œirectory 62 Ot„er Partici‹ating Pilots 89 ‚‹ecial ‚„a‹e Œirectory 96 International Pilots 98 ‡as Pilots FEATURES 64 T„e “Fiesta” Balloons 70 T„e Iris„ Balloonist Blessing 89 74 Braning Balloon Fiesta 78 ‡etting T„ere is ”alf t„e “Fun” 82 …ife …essons …earne ‘„ile Ballooning 102 ’eriting t„e ’ecor Boo—˜ T„e Š‹ic 201™ America’s „allenge 98 Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta 2019 Offi cial Program 2 ®

2019 AIBF Program - Page 4 2019 AIBF Program Page 3 Page 5