fl ying for many years to come€ ‚ere is alreay a esign for a re‹lacement en…elo‹e but te Boar is consiering eter to allo te AIBF logo on a balloon one by one ini …iual€ ‚e boar members an¦ious for a neer larger balloon in’t a…e long to ait€ ‚e ‚ir “Fiesta” bal loon Spirit of Fiesta II came along in August 2012€ It is currently one an fl on Darryl unter an is by nine club members¥ se… friens fl e te original bal en members of te AIBF loon troug muc of te boar an to Balloon 19 0s an ten for many Fiesta em‹loyees€ It is a years it sat in storage€ ‚e ’ameron balloon moel balloon as rebuilt in 201ƒ ¨90 “90000 cubic feet• using a muc ligter but still an te registration num urable fabric in use in balloons ber is ž¡¢”¢¢€ As of tis urable fabric in use in balloons riting te balloon as toay€ „yan unter a relati…e toay€ „yan unter a relati…e logge a‹‹ro¦imately of Darryl’s no ons an fl ies of Darryl’s no ons an fl ies 1‡0 ours€ DicŽ „ice € It as about ‡0 ours on Fiesta€ It as about ‡0 ours on club treasurer re‹orts te ne fabric€ tat it is use ‹rimarily to ‚e ˆecon “Fiesta” balloon ‚e ˆecon “Fiesta” balloon ‹romote te Albuquerque Internation Spirit of Fiesta I, as intene al Balloon Fiesta an aareness of te to be te gran ‹riŒe for te ile fl ying€ s‹ort of ballooning in general€ „ice inner of te 199 Balloon Fiesta€ ‚e balloon is a ’ameron moel belie…es te balloon is not fl on often ‚e balloon is mostly yello it a žƒƒ “ƒƒ000 cubic feet• serial Ÿ ¡1 1 enoug an tat it oul be goo ite s‹ace aroun te mile it an registration Ÿ ž¢‡10£€ It as for it to a…e more e¦‹osure€ ™ost te Albuquerque International manufacture in ¤uly 199 € ‚roug of te ‘‘’ members a…e teir on Balloon Fiesta logo€ ‚e logo is te te years oter boar members balloons an only fl y Spirit of Fiesta II orŽ of ‘yna ’ris‹ino a gifte asŽe to ›oin te club as tey ore at Balloon Fiesta an oter ballooning gra‹ic esign artist o also a‹ out teir ‹ersonal balloons an ary e…ents€ ‹ens to be em‹loye by Balloon Bennett –arry ˆeason an ™iŽe „ice ‚is balloon is also o‹erate as a Fiesta€ “‚o learn more about tis an ere ae to te grou‹€ club balloon itin an ‘‘’ “limite oter Balloon Fiesta logos turn to A time came en e…en more boar liability com‹any• ose members ‹age ƒ”€• members ante to ›oin in an tey must be Boar ™embers or œm‹loy –oe…er it turne out tat tat ante a neer larger “tan a ƒƒ000 ees of AIBF€ „e‹airs are te res‹on inning ‹ilot ecie to sell is cubic foot moel žƒƒ• balloon to sibility of te member uner ose ‹riŒe€ —at to o it a beautiful fl y€ ‚e ilemma ten became¥ at control te amage incurre€ ™em ne balloon it te Albuquerque to o it te ol balloon˜ ˆte…e bers ‹ay ©1 ‹er minute of infl ate International Balloon Fiesta logo on šomaina recogniŒe it as a great time€ It is ientical to te secon it˜ Boar members ™arŽ ˆulli…an an o‹‹ortunity to acquire a balloon to “Fiesta” balloon e¦ce‹t tat te basic ˆte…e šomaina felt tat tey i not use as a training ‹latform for tose balloon color is all yello itout te ant ›ust anyone fl ying te Balloon of is family members intereste in ite ‹resent aroun te equator in Fiesta logo so tey ‹ut togeter a learning to fl y€ –e bougt out all te Spirit of Fiesta I€ grou‹ of tose irectors an staff e¦isting oners an became te sole Many thanks to Steve Komadina, members o ante to Žee‹ te oner€ –is son ™arŽ learne to fl y Ryan Gunter, Norm Courtney, ick balloon for Balloon Fiesta€ It as in Spirit of Fiesta I€ Anoter benefi t Rice, Marge Ruppentha, om McCon o‹erate liŽe a club balloon an te to šomaina – ose oter balloon ne, rian yree, George ahn, Mariee oners ‹ai ‹er our to fl y it it te as te is signature ˆtorŽ s‹ecial Schmit Nason, and eth rightSmith goal of generating enoug re…enue to sa‹e “Great Eggspectations• as for their contriutions to this artice€ efray some of te cost of registra tat it as muc easier to infl ate te tion insurance an annual ins‹ection regularsa‹e Spirit of Fiesta I at fees€ œac oner as res‹onsible for glo e…ents€ ˆte…e lo…es te balloon re‹airing any amage tey create an ‹lans to Žee‹ it airorty an Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta 2019 Offi cial Program 68 ®