for example plans to ae a oor in te te balloon as spinning enoug tat te balloon as spinning enoug tat sie of te baset – a aea of its te pilots a to eep a isual reference te pilots a to eep a isual reference time€ ‚arge scale prouction as neer on te ori—on in sigt b staning in on te ori—on in sigt b staning in initiate an ƒoma neer too off te mile of te baset an presumabl because of te ig cost turning in te opposite irec‹ of liabilit protection€ But some of te tion tan te irection tat esign concepts eentuall too fl igt te balloon as rotating€ in te form of te fi rst “Fiesta” balloon Œe slot top esign contin‹ esignate moel A‡‡ serial ˆ 0001 ue to be problematic – it also registration ƒ22‰‡Š€ in’t release ot air as quicl Fiesta as built as a 12‹gore balloon as esirable in a ig in lan‹ tat as isuall reminiscent of an earl ing ‹‹ an in te en as aban‹ Œuner balloon but not as bulbous€ one€ ˜entuall te balloon It as se n on te bias lie a Barnes as fi tte it a ™elcro efl ation as fi tte it a ™elcro efl ation or Balloon Žors balloon€ ‘e n on panel similar to te earl •aenš panel similar to te earl •aenš te bias means tat te gores ’tose Aerostar balloons an ultimatel Aerostar balloons an ultimatel banana peel sapes tat togeter gie a paracute top lie most current a paracute top lie most current a balloon its inerte tear rop sape“ prouction balloons€ ere cut an se n at an angle ’on te •uppental sol A˜•›O to œar‹ •uppental sol A˜•›O to œar‹ bias“ rater tan on te per‹ bias“ rater tan on te per‹ penicular ’at rigt angles“ lie penicular ’at rigt angles“ lie man balloons€ Œe original man balloons€ Œe original fabric as nlon taffeta cosen fabric as nlon taffeta cosen because a ma”or fabric manu‹ because a ma”or fabric manu‹ facturer appene to be aing facturer appene to be aing a big sale on canar ello fabric€ It as increibl strong The rebuilt, reborn Fiesta fabric€ It as increibl strong urable an long lasting but fl ies again! urable an long lasting but er er ea€ Once construction as com‹ Once construction as com‹ plete •uppental an oter plete •uppental an oter rl žunter o a been ballooning friens proceee ballooning friens proceee oring tere an o to te testing stage€ Œe as also an ai balloon‹ FAA requires tat test fl igts FAA requires tat test fl igts ist€ žunter an A˜•›O of experimental aircraft be retaine te responsibilit conucte from an airport for te “ or in progress” ’or balloonport“ in an uncon‹ for te “ or in progress” ’or balloonport“ in an uncon‹ balloon in te eal een geste area€ Œe iea is to balloon in te eal een after ƒorm ›ourtne preent fl igt in congeste after ƒorm ›ourtne bougt into te compan€ areas ere bstaners bougt into te compan€ žunter brougt togeter migt suffer in”ur cause žunter brougt togeter te enelope an sstem b an experimental aircraft te enelope an sstem equipment an fi nise te incient€ equipment an fi nise te tas of maing te balloon Œe slot top ent an e‹ tas of maing te balloon legal in te experimental fl ation sstem in’t func‹ legal in te experimental categor€ Balloon registra‹ tion as ell as te oul categor€ Balloon registra‹ tion number ƒ22‰‡Š as ae lie but •uppental tion number ƒ22‰‡Š as born on paper in 19‡‰‹‡9 as sol on te concept born on paper in 19‡‰‹‡9 an as fi rst certifi e in te an reall ante to mae an as fi rst certifi e in te experimental categor in it or€ Œe main issue experimental categor in 19‰0€ A˜•›O as name as a ig rate of rotation 19‰0€ A˜•›O as name as te o ner on te original cause b air escaping as te o ner on te original registration certifi cate€ troug te slots ic registration certifi cate€ ouln’t al as close up completel€ Brian Œree one of te pilots tat This photo taken during infl ation often fl e Fiesta on tose shows the diagonal cut of the earl test ops relates panels. tat on one of te fl igts Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta 2019 Offi cial Program 66 ®