The moThe movve e to the new Balloon to the new Balloon Fiesta Park brought new 11999797Fiesta Park brought new opportunities, including the opportunity opportunities, including the opportunity for more balloons and balloonists to come what had for more balloons and balloonists to come what had become, de facto, the become, de facto, the town square of world town square of world ballooning. The “Flight ballooning. The “Flight of the Nations” was of the Nations” was created to celebrate the created to celebrate the international pilots and enthusiasts who had been so much a part of the Balloon Fiesta since its beginning. At the Wednesday mass ascension, international pilots fl y their nations’ fl ags as they launch, and the Balloon Fiesta holds a special reception for their out-of-country balloon teams. And there were more balloons than ever before, with more than 800 hot air balloons registered, along with 81 special shapes and the 17 gas balloons participating in the America’s Challenge. OFFICIAL PROGRAM 161

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