CELEBRATING 50 YEARS The Chase Crew Don’t Leave Home Without Them! Reprinted from the 2007 Balloon Fiesta Program alloon fl ight is a team sport. Pilots of very Being on a chase crew is one of the best ways to learn small balloons can sometimes unpack them, about ballooning. Most balloon pilots got their start in infl ate them, fl y them, pack them up, and ballooning on chase crews. But more than that, being get back to the launch site by hitching a ride, a balloon crew member is like being part of a family. but even with small balloons the job is easier Friendships among pilots and crew members often with help. With larger balloons, help is pretty outlast their involvement in ballooning and are one of the B much a necessity. The people who help are called the most special parts of the ballooning experience. chase crew, because one of their functions is to “chase” the balloon when it is in fl ight. What does a crew do? Hundreds of people volunteer to crew for pilots at the Hot-air balloons are infl ated while lying on their sides. Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta® through the The pilot and crew lay the basket on its side and connect Balloon Fiesta’s Web site, offi ce, and on-fi eld chase crew the burner and envelope to the basket. They then use a booth. The actual number of crew members is much large fan to blow air into the throat of the balloon, fi lling higher, because most pilots in the Albuquerque area it with cold air. Two crew members hold the throat of the already have a large local chase crew and many out-of- balloon open and a third tends the fan. town pilots bring some of their regular crew members When the envelope is full of cold air, the pilot turns on with them. the burner and begins to add heat. As the temperature of the air in the envelope gets hot enough, the envelope will rise to an upright position, pulling the basket upright with it. A crew member at the top of the balloon uses a long rope, called a crownline, to control the rate at which the envelope swings upright. Once the balloon launches, the ground crew becomes the “chase crew.” Balloons use winds blowing in diff erent directions at diff erent altitudes to “steer.” Most of the time, the wind direction doesn’t allow the pilot to land the balloon where it took off . So the crew “chases” the balloon, trying to anticipate where the pilot will land so they can be there to contact landowners if necessary and to assist with the landing. Of course, the pilot can land and defl ate the balloon without help if the crew is unable to get to the without help if the crew is unable to get to the Y pilot in time. The crew then helps the pilot to pilot in time. The crew then helps the pilot to SEL KIM VE O: Left: Pilot Barbara Fricke uses the burner to put heat T into the envelope as crew member Sue Palmer keeps the PHO fabric away from the burner. ® 176 Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta

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