PHOTO: BOBBIE TULEY There was an additional side benefi t as well. One of the live segments on the show was a merchandise or shopping segment featuring Balloon Fiesta merchandise ordered before the postponement, along with limited- edition “Balloon Fiesta Siesta” collectibles. Viewers could see the merchandise on the show and purchase items online through the website. In eff ect this provided a “re-launch” of the Balloon Fiesta Stuff online store and provided some needed revenue to Balloon Fiesta. Fortunately, in 2021, things returned more to normal. The full announce and production teams were back, PHOTO: VICTOR BANTA with thousands of people tuning in. Support volunteers TOP: Merchandise on display. Above: The Balloon Fiesta Live! announce Bobbie and Greg kept the “talent” looking and sounding team: Kim Vesely, Art Lloyd, Jr,, Glen Moyer, and Ruth Lind have a com- good. For the 50th Balloon Fiesta anniversary in 2022, bined total of more than 130 years of broadcast experience; with each we plan to add some video history moments as well as of them also being balloon pilots, that’s another 130 years of ballooning expanding our reach through additional over-the-air experience including both hot air and gas balloons outlets, to make the broadcast available to anyone in the Albuquerque-Santa Fe area in addition to the all-burn for a group of balloonists doing an traditional streaming locations. impromptu Balloon Glow at an Albuquerque Watch the shows, or use the QR code to see parking lot. Remember, Moyer’s in Louisiana, the more than 200 hours of live shows. And catch Lloyd’s in a downtown Albuquerque studio the live stream on the Balloon Fiesta’s Website, and the balloons are on the other side of YouTube and Facebook channels, Community town. Bringing all these live elements together Access (Cable) channels, and our low power TV technologically rivaled the ability of the best station. TV stations in the country to produce such a live show. The 2020 Balloon Fiesta Live! shows Balloon Fiesta staff video and digital content captured the attention of the local media as they were producer Ken Tuley is better known by his nom-de- featured on numerous TV newscasts. broadcast Art Lloyd, Jr. He’s been involved with Balloon Fiesta as a volunteer and balloon pilot for 40 years. ® 244 Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta

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