PHO T O: BILL W AL T ON FL YNT Above: Zebra esprit de corps! contact [between balloons] isn’t of as much concern as gondola with envelope contact would be. Of course, we try to prevent any balloon-to-balloon contact by alerting our pilots to obstacles: we can be their ‘sonar’, if necessary.” Pilots depend upon launch directors for visual direction because they cannot, obviously, look up through the top of the balloon to see who might be hovering overhead in their flight paths. Launch directors perform the same duties as controllers in airport towers. They’re closer to the action, but must make the same “There are as many as 650 balloons participating on-the-spot critical decisions. in a mass ascension,” explains Jordan, “but they can’t “Pilots depend upon us and trust our decisions,” all inflate at the same time because there simply isn’t Jordan says. “We try to provide consistent non-verbal enough space. Too many balloons crushed together signals, since shouts can’t always be heard above the could create a dangerous situation for pilots and guests.” sound of propane burners and crowd excitement.” “That’s why we launch in waves,” adds Courtney- Using a prescribed set of signals, launch directors Bueno. “Ascensions start on the downwind side of the indicate when hot air balloons should begin inflation, field and continue in row-by-row formation. Matching hold their field positions, or fly aloft. the number of balloons to available space helps maintain Communication, flexibility, and good judgment are order and ensure safety.” ideal attributes for members of the launch team. “We’re Replacing pandemonium with precision is only enthusiasts on and off the field,” laughs Courtney-Bueno. one aspect of Launch Committee action. The group “Absolutely right,” agrees Jordan. “We’re proud of our must also aid, abet, and guide each pilot’s trip aloft. competence and deliberate efforts to cooperate with one The 60+ member launch team covers the entire field, another. We’re a non-competitive group, here to prevent eyeballing gondolas and envelopes for safety infractions Balloon Fiesta mishaps. Launch Directors are privileged and violations. Integrating specific communication to have esprit de corps; for nine inspiring days we are a techniques, they monitor, control, and direct air traffic. family – as sturdy and staunch and sure as our Zebra “Some situations are not as concerning as others,” counterparts.” continues Jordan. For example, envelope to envelope OFFICIAL PROGRAM 217

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