THE 1970’S: 1972-1979 Tips for Spectators From the 1973 Balloon Fiesta program 1. Keep your feet off the balloons. 15. Don’t harm the Roadrunners, they’re our state bird. 2. Buy a program so you know what’s up. 16. Don’t get caught speeding: you may spend the races in jail. 3. Bring lots of extra fi lm. 17. Please give the balloons the right of way. 4. Don’t forget the camera. 18. Keep your pinkies off the balloons. 5. Wear old warm clothes. 19. Bring more money on the second day for the rest of those 6. Wear comfortable “broken in” shoes or boots. souvenirs you’ve always wanted. 7. Keep your big feet off the balloons. 20. Please don’t drive thru the farmer’s corn fi eld. 8. Work out beforehand so you’re in good shape. 21. Please don’t knock down the fences. 9. Assist only when asked loudly by the pilot. 22. Don’t smoke around the balloons, especially when refueling. 10. Get a full tank of gas before the race. 23. Make sure your auto is insured and if you should have a 11. Keep one eye on the road and the other on the balloon. wreck, please don’t sue the balloon pilot (he’s broke). 12. And keep your grubby feet off the balloons. 24. Bring your own champagne. 13. Bring lots of money to buy the souvenirs. 25. KEEP YOUR BIG FAT FEET OFF THE BEAUTIFUL 14. When running after balloons, keep a sharp lookout for BALLOONS! arroyos and rattlesnakes. ® 50 Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta

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