Parachute top covering circular opening Envelope Equator (widest point) Load Tapes Throat Scoop/skirt Suspension Cables The bThe baskasket is cet is coonnectnnecteed td too the en the envveelope blope by y Burner cables that extend from the bottom, or “throat” of cables that extend from the bottom, or “throat” of Vent/defl ation line the balloon. Most hot-air balloons also have a skirt the balloon. Most hot-air balloons also have a skirt or scoop – a fabric panel often made of or lined or scoop – a fabric panel often made of or lined Basket with fi re-resistant fabric that extends downward with fi re-resistant fabric that extends downward (fuel tanks strapped in corners) from the throat and helps to direct airfl ow and heat from the throat and helps to direct airfl ow and heat from the burner into the envelope. from the burner into the envelope. degrees above the outside air temperature, depending degrees above the outside air temperature, depending The hot air that provides lift is generated by a propane- The hot air that provides lift is generated by a propane- on how much weight the balloon carries. Many balloons on how much weight the balloon carries. Many balloons fueled burner which is suspended between the envelope have additional blast valves and nozzles used as backup and basket above the heads of the pilot and passengers. systems in case the main burner line fails, and to bypass The burner is held in place by a rigid frame and by the preheat coils to create a cooler, brighter, yellow fl ame “uprights” – poles at each corner of the basket. The fuel that makes the balloon light up during balloon glows. tanks – most modern tanks are made of stainless steel – Burners generate the heat to make the balloon go sit in the corners or on the fl oor of the basket. Fuel lines up, and by varying the length and number of “burns,” run from the tanks to the burner and are held in place by the pilot can control how quickly the balloon ascends sleeves around the uprights. and how high it goes. But how does the pilot make the Each burner has a pilot light that burns continuously balloon go down? One way is to do nothing and just let and ignites the fuel in the same way the pilot light in a the air in the balloon cool naturally. As the temperature furnace or stove does. The pilot controls the fl ow of fuel drops below the level needed to keep the balloon at to the burner through “blast valves” – levers attached to “equilibrium” – to maintain level fl ight – the balloon will the bottom of the burner. The output of a balloon burner descend, and the pilot uses the burner to regulate the is many times greater than that of a typical home furnace rate at which the balloon descends. To come down more and creates the high temperatures required to generate quickly, and to land, the pilot pulls on a rope that releases enough lift to make the balloon fl y – usually at least 100 heat from the top of the balloon. OFFICIAL PROGRAM 135