The Balloon Fiesta has long had a special relationship with Wile E. Coyote 2018and the Road Runner, dating back to the very fi rst Coyote-Roadrunner (or is it Roadrunner-Coyote?) balloon race in 1972. With Warner Bros.’ permission, the two famous scoundrels decorated Roadrunner II, the local balloon club’s balloon that was a prominent fi xture in the early years of Balloon Fiesta. Leading up to the 50th anniversary, the Balloon Fiesta began working with the Chuck Jones Center for Creativity on a series of posters featuring the delightful rascals. The series began in 2018, and was originally intended to be in four parts, telling a story about Road Runner and Coyote at Balloon Fiesta. When the 2020 event was postponed, the third poster in the series had already been issued, so the series was quickly expanded to fi ve to extend the story into the new Balloon Fiesta 50th year in 2022. These collector’s items are on sale in the Balloon Fiesta Stuff online store, under the merchandise tab on store, under the merchandise tab on the Balloon Fiesta the Balloon Fiesta 2019 brought an exciting new evening attraction to Balloon Fiesta, the Team 2019Fastrax aerial exhibition team. This precision team of skydivers brought the American fl ag into Balloon Fiesta Park to open the evening events. After the Balloon Glows and Glowdeos, they made a second jump, this one featuring pyrotechnics! OFFICIAL PROGRAM 239

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