CHERI WHITE O: T PHO “The launch was like a “As the sun came up, “Let’s be frank: living “By the third day a “… I love the blur to me, incredibly we found ourselves in an open, hand form of mental and camaraderie of fast paced, and near Clovis, NM woven wicker basket physical isolation my fellow pilots, also very beautiful, listening to the coyote the size of a small is setting in. It is a crews and offi cials, moving and incredibly howl. Musical and broom closet with removal from the the solemnity of emotional. Launching haunting. Things like another man for a world on the ground the launch, the a balloon at night and this are the “treats” couple of days is not almost like solitary excitement of the fl ying into darkness of gas fl ying. So something I would confi nement . . . our fl ight, the jubilation near mountains is a cool to hear and we have ever thought world is how much of the landing. I have bit unnerving - to say wondered if they I would want to do. ballast we have left, made friends for life the least - and tends were howling at us Having said that, our where we will land, in this sport, on the to focus the mind.” or each other … The basket was as super and what the weather ground and in the air.” sun curtains came comfortable . . . conditions will be as Noah Forden out, the sun set, the Getting a reasonable we descend . . . Ruth Lind, curtains came down amount of sleep is Peter feels a six time America’s and became blankets critical as fatigue can combination of Challenge Competitor for our laps. The really impact your anxious anticipation and current Command sun is brutal during ability to make good of the task of landing Center director the day. You must decisions, which the balloon and some have sunshades and could obviously relief that we will soon eff ective sun block. At impact safety, most be able to sleep again night the cold can be importantly, and race in a real bed. Barbara serious.” strategy as well.” regrets that the fl ight is almost over, since Phil BrPhil Bryyaantnt,, tteen-timen-time NoNoah Fah Foorrddenen she always wants to she always wants to AmericAmerica’a’ss Challeng Challenge e fl y more.” competitor fl y more.” competitor PPeteter Cuneo ander Cuneo and Barbara Fricke Barbara Fricke PHO T O: R A Y P ALMER Z O CIB S URENT O: LA T PHO OFFICIAL PROGRAM 199

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