Y SEL KIM VE O: T PHO the 1980s; their legacy lives On January 24, 2015 on in the Anderson Abruzzo (January 25 in Japan), Albuquerque International Albuquerque’s Troy Bradley Balloon Museum. and Russian Leonid Other Albuquerque pilots Tiukhtyaev launched their were setting records of their Y 350,000 cu. ft (10,000 own. Richard Abruzzo and cubic meter) balloon, Two ADLE Troy Bradley are among BR Eagles, at Saga, Japan. those holding multiple world AMI After travelling 6,646 miles records for distance and O: T (10,696 km) in six days duration in various types of T and 16 hours, exhausted balloons. As far back as 1977, PHO and triumphant, they Sue Hazlett fl ew to 28,258 landed just off the coast of ft (8,613 m) to establish a Baja California, near Las women’s altitude record. This was bested, about two Pozas. Their fl ight established new absolute distance and years later, by the late Carol Rymer Davis, who for many duration records for straight gas balloons. years held the absolute women’s hot air balloon altitude What motivates these ballooning over-achievers – the record at 31,500 feet (9,601m), and at one time record-setters, the teams who span oceans and held all three records — altitude, distance, and continents, the Gordon Bennett and America’s duration — for 42,000 cu. ft. hot air balloons. Challenge champions – to pursue these dreams? Arguably the most decorated female balloonist Bradley and Tiukhtyaev, like many others, talked of all time, Davis is the only woman to date to about the desire to test their capabilities and to win (with Richard Abruzzo) the world’s oldest push themselves farther than they or any other air race, the Coupe Aéronautique Gordon Bennett. person has gone before. Most cite the satisfaction of person has gone before. Most cite the satisfaction of She was also the recipient of several prizes awarded carefully planning their fl ights, and of bringing together She was also the recipient of several prizes awarded carefully planning their fl ights, and of bringing together for performance in any form of aviation (not just the best teams in the world to achieve their goals. And the best teams in the world to achieve their goals. And ballooning). there are other, more personal motivations. Carol Davis, The tradition of spanning oceans and setting records who like many balloonists had a fear of heights, said she continued into the 21st century with the Two Eagles wanted to learn about fl ying high. And then she added, trans-Pacifi c crossing from Japan to Baja California. “and to be in a record book with Lindbergh.” YNT ON FL Top left: Abruzzo and Anderson snatching a nap late in the Double Eagle II fl ight. Photo courtesy of the Anderson T AL Abruzzo Albuquerque International Balloon Museum Top right: Carol Rymer Davis (right) at the 2007 America’s W Challenge. Center: Two Eagles pilots Troy Bradley and Leonid Tiukhtyaev O: BILL T PHO OFFICIAL PROGRAM 189

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