The wThe world’orld’ss balloonists continued balloonists continued to drop in in record 1979ttoo ddrroopp iinn iinn rreeccoorrd d numbers in 1979, with numbers in 1979, with a whopping 360 balloons registered a whopping 360 balloons registered to fl y. With all the growth – not to fl y. With all the growth – not just in balloons and pilots, but just in balloons and pilots, but also sponsors, concessions and also sponsors, concessions and more – the Balloon Fiesta began more – the Balloon Fiesta began to acquire the attributes of a to acquire the attributes of a permanent organization. The permanent organization. The Board hired Linda Rutherford, one Board hired Linda Rutherford, one of the country’s earliest female of the country’s earliest female commercial pilots (and at the commercial pilots (and at the time married to Tom Rutherford) time married to Tom Rutherford) as its fi rst permanent employee as its fi rst permanent employee and Executive Director. Linda and Executive Director. Linda and her stalwart volunteer staff and her stalwart volunteer staff moved into rented offi ce space moved into rented offi ce space on Princeton Ave. NE. on Princeton Ave. NE. Also that year, the very Also that year, the very fi rst Balloon Fiesta poster fi rst Balloon Fiesta poster appeared. ProCreations of appeared. ProCreations of New Orleans became the New Orleans became the event’s licensed purveyor event’s licensed purveyor of offi cial posters, a distinction they held for distinction they held for three decades. Today, three decades. Today, many of the offi cial posters sell for many posters sell for many times what people originally paid for them. originally paid for them. Balloonists also prize Balloonists also prize the offi cial T-shirts printed during this era by Kevin White, the offi cial T-shirt concessionaire for many years. OFFICIAL PROGRAM 69

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