S GHE HU TT O C O: S T PHO Above: The new dynamic duo, Art Lloyd, Jr. and Glen Moyer, on the now not-so-secret announce tower. and flew his balloon during the week, while Rutherford This arrangement continued for a number of years was the PA announcer during the week, and on TV for the until, on the 25th anniversary of their being together, weekends. In 1995, this tag team became more of a duet, Rutherford stepped down from his partnership with with both men on the tower for all sessions. Moyer. Three people with media backgrounds were The purpose of the announcers was to point out asked to “fill-in” for the 2014 Balloon Fiesta. Larry Ahrens, the launch of sponsored balloons. However, at the who had a long history with Balloon Fiesta through his old Balloon Fiesta Park south of the current site the position with KOB Radio did a few sessions. Kim Vesely, team, along with their spotter, Glenda Watson, was on long-time pilot and America’s Challenge media liaison, scaffolding behind the Main Street Stage, which was did a few sessions. And Art Lloyd Jr, also a pilot and located at mid-field. Since the sponsor balloons typically long-time Balloon Fiesta volunteer, did the majority of the took off from the south end of the field and flew south, sessions. away from the announcers, this was a less-than-ideal Lloyd recalls it being a proposed as a “fill-in” slot. In setup. With the move to the current field, it quickly reality, it turned out to be more of an audition to replace become obvious that the ideal spot for the announcers Rutherford. Officials said it was a tough decision, but in would be on the south end of the field, and there just the end, Art Lloyd Jr., was chosen to replace Rutherford happened to be a nice roof on top of the building there. on the tower. Just one small problem. The building is directly in the But that was only the start of bigger changes to come. path of ascending balloons, and the FAA (Federal Aviation In 2016, as part of an effort to better coordinate the PA Administration, in charge of air safety) was concerned announcing with the officials' launching the balloon of that balloons might not gain enough altitude fast enough the day at mid-field and the performing of the national to avoid hitting the building and injuring the people on anthem on the Main Street Stage, Balloon Fiesta added the roof. It took some negotiations, but the FAA finally cameras and a live video stream to the mix. Due to his allowed the announcers and only the announcers on the television experience, Lloyd was tapped to produce the roof. No one else was allowed, and people who managed video production. It was bare bones: three cameras with to get up there were promptly chased away. This no- Moyer and Lloyd announcing from the rooftop. Ahrens access led to Moyers and Rutherford referring to their provided relief to allow Moyer and Lloyd to take a couple location as the Top Secret announce tower. of sessions off, and Vesely provided information on ® 242 Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta

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