June 6, 1971 November 1971 April 8, 1972 1972 February 10-17, 1973 The next morning, Sid Sid Cutter and eight KOB radio, in celebration Balloon Federation Albuquerque hosts and Bill Cutter fl y their friends buy a balloon of its 50th anniversary, of America President the First World “party centerpiece” from together and form the asks Sid Cutter to Don Kersten, one of Championships, along the Cutter hangar to the Albuquerque Aerostat organize a balloon the participants in the with an additional “Fiesta” UNM North Golf Course.Ascension Association rally. Thirteen balloons 1972 KOB event, invites rally for non-competing (AAAA), today the world’s participate in the “First Albuquerque to bid for balloons, at the State largest local balloon club. Annual KOB Radio & the rights to hold the First Fairgrounds (now Expo Television International World Hot Air Balloon New Mexico). More than Balloon Festival,” now Championships. 100 balloons participate considered to be the in the two events. fi rst Balloon Fiesta, at Coronado Center. February 1975 February 1974 February 17, 1973 February 10, 1973 ens committee” is While planning is The third Balloon Ed Yost, the inventor The fi rst Balloon Fiesta y Mayor Harry underway for the Second Fiesta – by now known of the modern hot- Parade is held. Before the o assist with World Championships, as the Albuquerque air balloon and the parades are discontinued putting on and funding the AAAA holds a two-day International Balloon “Clerk of the Course” in 1991, they become the alloon Fiesta. balloon rally to maintain Fiesta® – is held. (chief offi cial) of the biggest parades held in the presence of the World Championships, New Mexico. Balloon Fiesta. This event makes an exhibition gas is still held annually and is balloon fl ight, the fi rst in now known as the Friends Albuquerque since 1909. and Lovers Balloon Rally. 1981 1986 1987 1989 en Abruzzo, Larry The fi rst Balloon Fiesta The Balloon Fiesta is on The fi rst Balloon Fiesta Special shape balloons on Clark, and gas balloon race is held; the move again, this time Balloon Glow celebrates get their own showcase, oki complete the these competitions, to the fi rst Balloon Fiesta the 75th anniversary of the Special Shape Rodeo, t manned transpacifi c which focus on accuracy Park located south of New Mexico statehood. held on Thursday and ight aboard in fl ying to a target as Alameda Blvd. (now the These nighttime displays Friday of Balloon Fiesta agle V opposed to distance, RV park). are now among the week. The fi rst few continue through the Balloon Fiesta’s most Rodeos are afternoon 1980’s. popular events competition fl ying events. 1973 1979 1982

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