CELEBRATING 50 YEARS PHO T O: BENNIE B O S Zebras Grazing ZZebrebraas /s /zzēē..brbraa/: Hoo/: Hooffeed d AAnimals (nimals (ggeenus equusnus equus)),, hahavving cing coonspicuous black andnspicuous black and white striped markings. Characterized by keen vision and astonishing speed. Often white striped markings. Characterized by keen vision and astonishing speed. Often seen grazing or galloping near on-ground gondolas seen grazing or galloping near on-ground gondolas Launch Directors – aff ectionately known as “Zebras” because of their black- Launch Directors – aff ectionately known as “Zebras” because of their black- and-white uniforms – are perhaps the Balloon Fiesta’s most visible ambassadors. and-white uniforms – are perhaps the Balloon Fiesta’s most visible ambassadors. Guests love them, take pictures of them, ply them with questions, so they must know Guests love them, take pictures of them, ply them with questions, so they must know everything from how a balloon works to where the nearest porta-potties are. But they everything from how a balloon works to where the nearest porta-potties are. But they are also offi cials who play a very serious and important role in fl ight safety: to facilitate are also offi cials who play a very serious and important role in fl ight safety: to facilitate a safe, coordinated launch. a safe, coordinated launch. This year’s team leads – the equivalents of Jim Jordan and Neida Courtney-Bueno, This year’s team leads – the equivalents of Jim Jordan and Neida Courtney-Bueno, the offi cials from nearly 30 years ago who are interviewed in the article -- are Michelle the offi cials from nearly 30 years ago who are interviewed in the article -- are Michelle Healy, Chief Launch Offi cial; Chris Padilla, Assistant Chief Launch Offi cial, and Anna Zebra hand signals: Healy, Chief Launch Offi cial; Chris Padilla, Assistant Chief Launch Offi cial, and Anna Brody, Cliff Holman, Jay Pape, and Lynn Tillery, Section Leads. Some members of Thumbs Up: Cleared for Brody, Cliff Holman, Jay Pape, and Lynn Tillery, Section Leads. Some members of the team have been launch directors for decades, and there are a number of second- immediate liftoff . the team have been launch directors for decades, and there are a number of second- generation launch directors. Thumbs down: Hold exactly generation launch directors. where you are Walk the balloon: The BY MARJORIE SHAPIRO STEIN ground crew will guide the balloon along the path to the Updated from the 1994 Balloon Fiesta® Program spot indicated by the launch director. The balloon is buoyant with no lift provided by the crew. Pictured: Thumbs up! Every pilot’s favorite hand signal. OFFICIAL PROGRAM 215

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