OIS JE DEBER UL A O: P T PHO Above: Long time past safety officer Wally Book consulting with pilots, a big part of the job. (baggies) from the target, and monitors actions that Safety might disqualify a balloon pilot. The Landowner The Safety Officers are responsible for monitoring Relations staff, led by Nancy Wertz, reaches out to and enforcing actions related to balloon and pilot/crew landowners who are both friendly and unfriendly to flight safety. They are separate from, but work alongside, balloons landing on their property. The Propane group, Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) officials who are reporting to Chief of Refueling Mike Chandler, monitors also on site, conducting safety checks and educational balloon refueling activities, including safety issues, as programs and enforcing the Federal Air Regulations well as vehicle and human traffic at the refueling station. (FARs) governing aircraft. The Balloon Fiesta’s safety The members of the teams are listed in the program officials focus on counseling pilots about the Balloon on page 213. All these officials are volunteers: long- Fiesta’s safety protocols, but also any other issues that time balloon pilots, balloon crew or experienced former may affect pilot, crew, or guest safety. officials. The team leads are selected for exemplary past The Safety Officers have a long list of responsibilities, performance; many start in the ranks and move up the including: chain of command to become assistants, chief officials, • Observing balloons with their ancillary equipment assistant balloonmeisters, and Balloonmeister. Some (inflation fans, ropes, helmets, etc.) that fly or tether eventually join the Balloon Fiesta staff and/or become at Balloon Fiesta Park members of the Balloon Fiesta Board of Directors. • Alerting pilots about possible hazards and equipment damage OFFICIAL PROGRAM 219

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