PHO T O B Y DICK BR O WN ONNELL C OM MC T Y O B T PHO The First World Hot Air Balloon Championships and the Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta at the New Mexico State Fairgrounds When 38 international competitors and 90 “Fiesta Flyers” descended on Albuquerque for the fi rst World Championships – the modern hot air balloon had been invented only a decade or so before – the State Fairgrounds seemed like an ideal location for the event. It had grandstand seating for guests (spectators were not allowed on the fi eld), food service facilities, and above all, restrooms! But for fl ying, the fairgrounds proved to be less than ideal. It was in an established area of the The “First Fiesta” at city, and landing sites were relatively scarce. When the Coronado Center balloons fl ew south, as they frequently did, they quickly encroached on the Albuquerque International Sunport and on Kirtland Air Force Base and the highly classifi ed In just 10 days, Sid Cutter and KOB organized what research facilities attached to the base. (There are great was then one of the largest gatherings of balloons stories about gun-toting security offi cers confronting anywhere in the world. Thirteen balloons launched pilots who spoke limited English.) February proved to from a huge open fi eld west of Coronado Center, which be a less than ideal weather month. Within a couple of was much smaller at that time than it is today. The years, event organizers realized they needed both a new estimated 20,000 people who turned up were open- event date and a new launch site. mouthed at what they were seeing. The balloonists – hastily assembled from around the US – were equally astonished at the warm reception they received. Their WHAT: First World Hot Air Balloon enthusiasm led to invitations to bid for and to host Championships; 2nd and 3rd Albuquerque a much larger event, the First World Hot Air Balloon International Balloon Fiesta Championships. WHERE: New Mexico State Fairgrounds/ Downs of Albuquerque, Louisiana and Lomas NE WHEN: February 1973-1974 and a February WHAT: KOB Radio and Television International rally in 1975 Balloon Festival and Rally (KOB Radio 50th NUMBER OF BALLOONS: As many as 128 anniversary celebration) NEW EVENTS: World-class competition WHERE: San Pedro and Menaul NE, west of events, mass ascensions; the Balloon Fiesta Coronado Center Parade (held through 1991) became the WHEN: April 8, 1972 biggest in the state NUMBER OF BALLOONS: 13 WHY IT HAD TO MOVE: Too close to the WHY IT HAD TO MOVE: Not big enough, no airport and too far south, proximity to permanent facilities, destined for development high-security installations at Kirtland AFB WHAT’S THERE NOW: West end of Coronado and Sandia and Manzano bases, lack of Center and parking lot landing sites, February not a good month for ballooning; site in use for New Mexico State Fair in the late summer and fall WHAT’S THERE NOW: Downs of Albuquerque and EXPO New Mexico ® 128 Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta