The ballooning community in Albuquerque began the 2011 Balloon 2011Fiesta with heavy hearts. For the fi rst time founder Sid Cutter would not be there to fl y with them, having lost his battle with cancer in May. The Balloon Fiesta dedicated its 40th year and beauty of the event. The book won numerous to Sid, and during the awards and is the defi nitive history of the Balloon Fiesta opening ceremonies up to that point in time. The Balloon Fiesta’s Heritage paid tribute to him Committee has since collaborated on two additional and other departed books, 2016’s Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta balloonists. and 2022’s 50 Years of Magic. The Balloon Fiesta As fl ying events began, the Balloon Fiesta’s fi rst celebrated its 40th year second-generation balloonmeister was in charge. with the publication Neida Courtney-Bueno’s mom, also named Neida, had of a book, The World been balloonmeister in 1983 and 1984; now “Neida Comes to Albuquerque: Kid” followed in her footsteps and demonstrated The Dream Takes Flight, the prowess of a new generation of balloonists in recounting the history Albuquerque. New Mexico celebrated the centennial of statehood in 2012 – the 47th state 2012was admitted to the union in 1912 – and Balloon Fiesta celebrated along with the rest of the state. The Balloon Fiesta gives people one more reason to discover the Land of Enchantment in all its beauty and diversity – with a built-in party to boot, complete with balloons. It’s diffi cult now to remember what Albuquerque was like in October before Balloon Fiesta. The New Mexico State Fair was the big fall season draw, and October was the time everybody took a deep breath and time off after the fair, and got rested up for the busy holiday season. Then came the Balloon Fiesta, drawing tens of thousands of people into Albuquerque and the state to see the sights, scarf down some green (or red) chile, and of course watch balloons. Today’s Balloon Fiesta brings hundreds of millions of dollars into New Mexico’s economy and joy to the faces of the tens of thousands of visitors who attend the event every year. It changed Albuquerque and New Mexico forever – and for the better. OFFICIAL PROGRAM 235

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