CELEBRATING 50 YEARS There’s Nothing Like Being There 164 Reprinted from the 1992 Balloon Fiesta Program About Our Photographers Balloon Fiesta Navigators On a list of the most photographed 168 Let your inner compass guide you to be a Balloon Fiesta Navigator. events in the world, the Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta is right up Balloon Faces of Balloon Fiesta there. Some studies have named Balloon 174 Thousands of hot air balloons have fl own in the Albuquerque Internation- Fiesta as the most photographed event, al Balloon Fiesta over the years, all beautiful, many unique and creative. besting such classics as the Tournament But through the years, some became especially identifi ed with the event, of Roses Parade. What’s sure, for fi lm- as Balloon Fiesta historian Tom McConnell recounts. shooting classicists and cell phone selfi e photo bombers alike, the Balloon Fiesta is The Chase Crew irresistible. 176 Don’t leave home without them! This visual impact has been a great thing when it comes to documenting the Balloon Zebras Grazing Fiesta’s development over the last half- 214 Launch Directors – aff ectionately known as “Zebras” because of their black- century. We’re proud to display the many and-white uniforms – are perhaps the Balloon Fiesta’s most visible ambas- photographs taken over the years by our sadors. incredibly talented offi cial photographers (three of whom – Paul DeBerjeois, Marlon Red Jacket Offi cials Long, and Cindy Petrehn – have sadly left 218 us). The Balloon Fiesta’s new book, 50 Oft overlooked fl ight operations teams. Years of Balloon Magic, contains some of Games Balloonists Play their best work, and you can get your copy 224 through the Balloon Fiesta’s online store. Balloon Fiesta competition history. However, for photos of the Balloon Fiesta’s earlier history, we’ve relied on a Voices & Video: Field Announcers and Balloon select group of balloonist/photographers 240Fiesta Live! whose work is invaluable to documenting There’s nothing like being on the fi eld in person, but for those who can’t get the history of the event and of ballooning to Albuquerque, Balloon Fiesta Live! is the next best thing. in New Mexico. Balloon Fiesta historians Dick Brown, Tom McConnell, and Kim Pins, Patches and Other Daubles of Aff ection Vesely all contributed photos from their 252Updated from the 2010 Balloon Fiesta program. personal collections. But we especially want to acknowledge our fellow balloonist Fiesta de Los Globitos, the “Mini Balloon Fiesta” and friend the late Bill Flynt, from Roswell. 260Sam Parks, Balloon Fiesta’s Director of Operations and former While fl ying in events across the country, Balloonmeister, describes how this new event for remote-controlled (RC) Bill took amazing photos; creating probably hot air balloons began and is becoming the Balloon Fiesta’s latest – and the most complete visual history of this popular! -- attraction. exciting time. Our thanks to Suzi Flynt Manus, Bill’s widow and herself a fi ne balloon pilot, for allowing us to use some of his photos, and to balloonist Eric Hodges, the custodian of Bill’s collection, for making For an enhanced experience, scan the QR codes on these them available to us. icons throughout the program to access additional information and content! ® 10 Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta

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