of “Snoopy” and Bill, the “Red Baron”. The centerpiece gave check rides to literally hundreds of pilots, certifying would be a hot air balloon. them for private and commercial balloon ratings. The party was a huge success and in the excitement There is a great story about one of the early fl ights. of the moment (maybe fueled by a couple of beers?), Sid and Bill would often launch from the family business promises were made to fl y the balloon soonest. at the airport. There was always plenty of crew because Accordingly, the next morning at 6:30, Sid infl ated the early-arriving employees would happily volunteer on balloon the way he had been taught when he picked it their way into work. Joe Jackson, the general manager up at the Raven Industries factory, put his mom in the of Cutter Flying Service and heading up the chase crew basket, and took her up with the balloon tied to the end that morning, took a look at the high-fl ying balloon and of a 150 ft. tether rope as he acquainted himself with declared that they would be up for a while and the crew the use of the burner and balloon systems. Then Mom should go and have some breakfast. When they came got out, brother Bill got in, and whether by design or out, the balloon was nowhere in sight. Hours later the by accident, the tether came loose, and the brothers Cutter duo were found enjoying brunch at a watering launched from the parking lot of Cutter Flying Service. hole near 12th St. and Candelaria. They had landed It was even legal, because Sid and Bill both had safely in Albuquerque’s North Valley, packed up the balloon ratings on their pilot licenses. In those days, balloon, and with no crew in sight, they walked to the if you had a fi xed-wing license, you could get a Lighter nearest tavern to celebrate their fl ight. Those fl ights than Air (LTA) endorsement C following the grand birthday party cemented following the grand birthday party cemented simply by asking for one, UTTER F Sid’s lifelong love aff air with lighter than air. Sid’s lifelong love aff air with lighter than air. and the Cutters, mother In November 1971 Sid convinced eight and sons, had gotten AMIL friends and associates to start a balloon friends and associates to start a balloon theirs in the late 50s or Y club; they named it the Albuquerque club; they named it the Albuquerque early 60s. Later, when PHO Aerostat Ascension Association. The buy-in T Sid was appointed an FAA O fees bought them a share in a club balloon Designated Examiner, he called Roadrunner with pilot training thrown in, a great deal that grew the sport in Albuquerque by making it possible for many of Albuquerque’s earliest pilots to The party centerpiece (right) aff ordably get started in ballooning. – and the centerpiece in Not surprisingly, the balloon was a fl ight (below). huge hit, attracting attention whenever WN O BR O: DICK T PHO OFFICIAL PROGRAM 39

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