The Balloon Fiesta hit the ripe old age of 30 in 20012001 and more change was in the air, along with the 668 hot air balloons, 20 gas balloons, helicopter helicopter and 82 special shapes registered that hovering hovering year. A new event, Albuquerque Aloft, nearby being one of the nearby being one of the brought balloons to local schools on the more visible), most U.S. pilots more visible), most U.S. pilots Friday before the event’s offi cial start on fl ew American Flags from their baskets fl ew American Flags from their baskets Saturday – a great way for kids to learn or crown lines, and the America’s about balloons and pilots to get their Challenge gas balloon pilots were greeted equipment sorted out and ready to go for suspiciously upon their landings in the the next day’s mass ascension. A new U.S. upper Midwest (at long distance event (or “long jump” in ballooning lingo), least one was ordered to report to law the New Mexico Challenge, gave hot air balloon pilots enforcement). But the Balloon Fiesta the chance to see how far they could travel in a single provided a catharsis for a wounded city fl ight (hint: a lot less far than the America’s Challenge and nation and a triumphant reminder gas balloons). Competition featured a new event, that life goes on, and can even be Balloon Blackjack, where pilots tried to make the best colorful and fun. possible hand by dropping markers on giant playing cards. The Balloon Fiesta moved into its current permanent headquarters a couple of blocks from Balloon Fiesta Park at Alameda Rd. and Balloon Museum Dr. And, 2001 was Kodak’s last year as the event’s title sponsor. But all this was quickly overshadowed by the events of September 11, 2001, when all aircraft – including balloons – were grounded in the wake of the terrorist attacks in New York and Washington. For a couple of weeks, it looked like there might not be a Balloon Fiesta at all. Through the eff orts of New Mexico’s congressional delegation, state and city leaders, and the Balloon Fiesta Board and staff , the fl ight restrictions were lifted in time for the show to go on. But inevitably, the tone of the Balloon Fiesta changed: too many had lost friends and too many others their sense of safety. New security measures were in place (the Black Hawk military OFFICIAL PROGRAM 203

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