PHOTO: CINDY CLARK OIS JE DEBER UL A O: P T PHO iterally thousands of people are involved in putting on the Balloon Fiesta. The balloonists – pilots and chase crews – and some of the offi cials are “onstage” – on the launch fi eld, where the ballooning action is. L But what goes on “backstage” is just as important. During the nine days of Balloon Fiesta, Balloon Fiesta Park literally becomes a small city, with everything that entails: sanitation, public safety, ONG transportation, shops, fast-food restaurants, and ON L even thousands of people living on site in the various RV parks. Some of these areas are featured in other O: MARL program articles, and others are shown here. We T can’t include every area, but here’s just some of PHO what goes on behind the scenes at Balloon Fiesta. PHO T O: BENNIE B O S PHO T O: KIM VE SEL Y PHO T O: BILL W AL T ON FL PHO YNT T O: KIM VE SEL Y OFFICIAL PROGRAM 247

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