GE map on the briefing tower and on the web site, so pilots U will have the latest landing obstructions or changes in KL A locations of PZs or other landowner data. S S Tammy works closely with the Safety Team, Launch O: ALE Directors, and the FAA. This team gets few compliments, T but many complaints, such as when a penalty, PHO disqualification, or “no score” has been assessed. Tammy says the best part of the job is “being part of the best event in the world.” To learn more about competition and scoring, see the article on page 224, and visit the Collectors Corner in the Merchandise section of the Balloon Fiesta website to view articles from past Balloon Fiesta programs: “Games Balloonists Play” by Kim Vesely, pp 98-99, 2010; and “Competition, Yesterday and Today” by Marilee Schmit- Nason and Wally Book, pp 62-68, 2018. cards, golf pins, and even a boat are used for some tasks. Once there, the pilot drops or places an official marker (a streamered, weighted baggie, ring, or other “scoring device”) as close to the middle of the target as possible. Who got closest? The Scoring Team’s job is to find out. The Scoring Team places the targets at designated locations both off-field and on-field. As pilots fly toward the target, the Scoring Team keeps a close watch to make sure they obey the altitude limitations in approaching the target (at least 75 feet off the ground until inside the flagged scoring area), about touching ground, landing on the field, not interfering with other balloons, or otherwise not sticking to the competition rules. Once Top: Getting ready to release the “pibal” which pilots use to get an idea of winds aloft. pilots drop their scoring device, Above: Measuring scoring devices – this shows why fractions of an inch make a difference! the scorers measure its distance from the center of the target down to fractions of an inch. Winners are decided using a formula containing a series Weather of measurements of that specific pilot’s distances from For Balloon Fiesta 2022, our Weather Team consists the target over the course of Balloon Fiesta. The overall of Brad Temeyer, with the help of Duncan Dunavent, winner may get a new automobile or truck, motorcycle, John Elrick, Katherine Kelly, and Robert Wise. The team balloon, or prize money. Other prizes go to the lower also includes Randy Lefevre, long-time Balloon Fiesta scoring balloons. weather guy and one of a handful of experts in the world There are 5 weekdays designated as competition on forecasting long distance weather trajectories for days, unless one or more mornings are weathered out. scientific and manned balloons, as the meteorologist for But even when the weather prohibits competition, the the America’s Challenge gas balloon race. team stays busy. Targets may need repair, there are The Weather Team starts work on Wednesday before hundreds of “returned” baggies to sort, and Tammy says Balloon Fiesta, setting up their office in one end of the the team is responsible for marking and updating the big Safety Trailer and briefing the Safety Team and any OFFICIAL PROGRAM 221

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