S S CHEDULE OF EVENT WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 5 6:00am Dawn Patrol Show, presented by Route 66 Casino Hotel and RV Resort 6:30am Krispy Kreme Morning Glow 7:00am Flight of the Nations Ascension 7:30 -11:00am Remote Control Balloon Exhibition 8:00am - noon Chainsaw Carving Exhibition THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6 - KIDS’ DAY presented by KOB-TV 4:30 am Kids’ Day Goodie Bag Distribution begins (South of the Main Street Stage) 6:00am Dawn Patrol 7:00am Special Shape Rodeo™ 7:00am Double Balloon Launch and Competition 8:00am - noon Chainsaw Carving Exhibition 10:00am Chainsaw Carving Auction 3:00 - 6:00pm Chainsaw Carving Exhibition 5:00pm Team Fastrax™ Skydiving, sponsored by the City of Las Vegas, NM 6:00pm Special Shape Glowdeo™ 7:30pm Team Fastrax™ Skydiving, sponsored by the City of Las Vegas, NM 7:45pm Aerial Light Show, presented by Sandia Resort & Casino 8:00pm* AfterGlow™ Fireworks FRIDAY, OCTOBER 7 6:00am Dawn Patrol 7:00am Special Shape Rodeo™ 7:00am Double Balloon Launch and Competition 7:30 - 11:00am Fiesta de Los Globitos (Remote Control Balloon Exhibition) 8:00am - noon Chainsaw Carving Exhibition 10:00am Chainsaw Carving Auction 3:00 - 6:00pm Chainsaw Carving Exhibition 5:00pm Team Fastrax™ Skydiving, sponsored by the City of Las Vegas, NM 6:00pm Special Shape Glowdeo™ 7:30pm Team Fastrax™ Skydiving, sponsored by the City of Las Vegas, NM 7:45pm Aerial Light Show, presented by Sandia Resort & Casino 8:00pm* AfterGlow™ Fireworks Show SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8 - ExxonMobil Day 5:45am Aerial Light Show, presented by Sandia Resort & Casino 6:00am Dawn Patrol Show, presented by Route 66 Casino Hotel and RV Resort 6:30am Krispy Kreme Morning Glow 7:00am Mass Ascension, powered by ExxonMobil 8:00am - noon Chainsaw Carving Exhibition 10:00am Chainsaw Carving Auction 11:00am Balloon Fiesta Pin Trading (Group Tour Tent, north end of Main Street) 1:00 - 5:00pm Music FiestaTM 3:00 - 6:00pm Chainsaw Carving Exhibition 5:00pm Team Fastrax™ Skydiving, sponsored by the City of Las Vegas, NM 6:00pm Night Magic™ Glow 7:30pm Team Fastrax™ Skydiving, sponsored by the City of Las Vegas, NM 7:45pm Aerial Light Show, presented by Sandia Resort & Casino 8:00pm* AfterGlow™ Fireworks Show SUNDAY, OCTOBER 9 5:45am Aerial Show 6:00am Dawn Patrol Show, presented by Route 66 Casino Hotel and RV Resort 6:30am Krispy Kreme Morning Glow 7:00am Farewell Mass Ascension presented by News Radio 770 KKOB 8:00am - noon Chainsaw Carving Exhibition