Board Meeting Minutes BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday November 21, 2022 AAAA President, Blair called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM. Members present were: Blair (President); Doug (Flying Events); Sue (Crew Development); Peg (Education); and Taylor (Secretary). Members ab- sent: Chris (Special Events); Peter (Vice President); Karen (Ways and Means); Jason (Community Rela- tions); and Dick (Treasurer). President (Blair) – The awards are created for the Awards Banquet. I need to figure out the exact count before I send it over to Garcia’s for food. Vice President (Peter) – No report Treasurer (Dick) – No report Secretary (Taylor) – Two new applications were brought forth for the approval. Mark Epperson and Steven Rosenfeld are requesting membership. Blair motioned for approval of new members, Doug seconded, the new members were approved. Approval of the November minutes brought forth. Blair motioned for approval, Doug seconded, the minutes were approved as written. Committee reports were presented and will be in the Cloudbouncer. Old Business: - Rio Rancho Launch Site: We are waiting to hear back from RRPS in regard to launch sites. - By Laws: The bylaw election is underway. New Business: - Friend’s & Lover’s: Looking to past Special Event directors to help guide the 2023 Friend’s & Lover’s. This is an actual rally and should be up to that standard. - 2023 Board Elections: Please start thinking about nominations and a nomination committee. 7:04 Blair motioned to adjourn, Doug seconded. Submitted by Taylor Caldwell, AAAA Secretary 6 aaaa cloudbouncer JANUARY 2023