The President’s Notes January is a time for renewal of your AAAA membership if you have not already done so. Your AAAA membership will help us put on quality monthly Flying Events, add new educational programs such as Crew Training, and Pilot Ground Schools. We are a voice for you as a ballooning enthusiast for creat- ing a positive and rational regulatory environment for our sport. AAAA will continue to provide support, information and activities that enhance ballooning. The small annual membership expense will help us to be the leader for all balloonists. The Nominating Committee is already working on putting together a list of members who are willing to serve on the AAAA Board in a variety of positions. Please consider running for a Board Member posi- tion as we move our club into the future. Elections are in March of this year. Please do not hesitate to contact me at [email protected] or call me at (505) 259-8632. AAAA is your voice for ballooning. I look forward to hearing from you. Blair Kaufman Blair Kaufman AAAA President 4 aaaa cloudbouncer JANUARY 2023