23 Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta 2022 Media Guide MEDIA ACCESS PARKING AND VEHICLE ACCESS Credentialled media organizations will receive access to Balloon Fiesta parking. Parking passes will be provided when media pick up their credentials. Credentials are needed to access both the Balloon Fiesta Park and Media Tent. News vehicles may only access the launch field at specific times and must have proper vehicle identification and correct Balloon Fiesta passes (Media parking passes only provide access to media parking areas and will not provide access to the launch field or areas inside the admission gate); crews must have Balloon Fiesta media credentials as well as a station/media identification. Drivers of news vehicles seeking access to drive onto the launch field or inside the admission gate may be required to submit to a background check. All vehicles are subject to searches by the Balloon Fiesta Public Safety Team. Any access to the launch field or inside the admission gate must be pre-approved by the Director of Media Relations. Balloon Fiesta media credentials do not allow entry into RESTRICTED AREAS for any purpose. Restricted areas include: Public Safety command center, Officials tower, fireworks staging area, propane refueling areas, hydrogen fueling areas, and/or photographing from the top of buildings on the south end of the field. BROADCAST GUIDELINES Television and radio broadcasters using mobile backpacks and live mobile backpacks (i.e. TVU and LiveU) must present the gear for inspection when picking up credentials. All two-way, marti, microwave and satellite frequencies used to provide live coverage of the Balloon Fiesta must be registered with Balloon Fiesta Media Relations well in advance of Balloon Fiesta. Broadcasts must not interfere with the Balloon Fiesta public address system, field operations, communications related to the safe operation of hot air or gas filled balloons and broadcasts of official media. For local radio broadcasters, please be aware that Balloon Fiesta sponsorship agreements restrict “live” radio broadcasts to the Albuquerque market to phone reports no longer than two minutes in length when they are on the Balloon Fiesta field. [CONTINUED]

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