25 Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta 2022 Media Guide BALLOON FIESTA WEATHER Weather is always a factor as it is with any outdoor event. Balloon Fiesta’s primary concern is safety when making decisions concerning cancellation or postponement. News organizations will receive any cancellation notices from the Balloon Fiesta media representative immediately after the Pilots’ weather briefing approximately 6:30 each morning. Electronic event updates are also available via text message and through the event’s twitter account. On-site, event updates are also provided with a Green Yellow Red flagging system that uses a flag pole located mid-field, behind the Main Street Stage. Additional information is located later in this section. MORNING MASS ASCENSIONS/ SCHEDULED FLYING COMPETITIONS Winds faster than 10 knots (approximately 11.5 mph), less than 3 miles visibility, clouds below 1,500 feet and rain will postpone or cancel the launch. EVENING BALLOON GLOWS/FIREWORKS Wind faster than 11.5 mph or rain will cancel or delay static illumination of inflated balloons. Fireworks can still be displayed with wind up to 20 mph. DELAY AND CANCELLATION PROCESS The Balloon Fiesta will make the first announcements about any delays or event cancellations to the balloon pilots. The announcement will be made as part of regular Pilot Briefings. The initial briefing is held before each event at the Pilot Briefing Tower on the west side of Balloon Fiesta Park except the briefings for Glowdeos will be in the Pilots’ Pavilion. Morning Pilot Briefings are open for the public to listen in; please keep any conversation and radio communication to a minimum. Information will be announced and posted in the Media Tent as well as via official Balloon Fiesta text message, Twitter and Facebook accounts. Unless the weather creates a dangerous situation, Balloon Fiesta Park will remain open even in the case of a balloon flight cancellation. FLAG POLE NOTIFICATIONS Because mobile phone and wireless access can be hampered with so many people at Balloon Fiesta Park, the Balloon Fiesta created a flagging system to notify guests about the status of flying events based on the color of the flag. The flag pole located adjacent to the Stage in the center of Main Street will fly one of three flags: • Green = The launch field is open for inflations • Yellow = Events are temporary delayed or no decision has been made • Red = The field is closed for inflations (NOTE: the red flag will fly until pilot briefing concludes for respective morning and afternoon sessions) [CONTINUED]

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