14 Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta 2016 Media Guide 2022 Media Guide 2020 – Jim Byrd – also known to many as Jimmy -- began his ballooning career in March 1973 when he joined the Albuquerque Aerostat Ascension Association (AAAA) as a non-flying club member. Jim was Assistant Safety Officer for AIBF in 1984 and 1985 but is best known for his contributions to competition scoring. Jim wrote software for scoring balloon races in 1990, which was used by both AAAA and the Balloon Fiesta. He succeeded his father as America’s Challenge chief scoring officer after his father passed away in 2007, a position he still holds. 2019 – George Hahn earned his private and commercial pilot ratings in 1977 and 1978. In the next decade, George became a leading figure both in the Balloon Fiesta and in the ballooning community, especially well known for promoting continuing education for pilots and safe flying practices. He became the Chief Safety Officer for AIBF in 1984, Assistant Balloonmeister in 1985, and Balloonmeister in 1986 and 1987. George served 22 years on the Balloon Fiesta Board of Directors, including terms as Vice-President in 1989 and 1990 and as President in 1991. 2018 – Charlotte Kinney first flew in Balloon Fiesta in 1977 and began volunteering soon after. By the early 1980s she was a member of the Balloon Fiesta’s Board of Directors. In 1981, Charlotte served as Assistant Balloonmeister, second-in-command of the Balloon Fiesta’s flight operations. The next year she assumed the top post of Balloonmeisterin (a feminine form of Balloonmeister), the first female in the Balloon Fiesta’s history to direct and oversee all flying events. She also played a large role in developing a Balloon Fiesta daily newsletter and is an award winning co-author of the Balloon Fiesta Heritage Committee’s book Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta. 2017 –Matt Guthrie and the Balloon Fiesta literally grew up together. As a youngster growing up in Albuquerque, Matt took his first balloon flight in 1974, just the third year of the Balloon Fiesta’s existence. He was hooked and began spending as much of his time around balloons as he could. Matt joined the Balloon Fiesta Board of Directors in 1996 and served as the Board’s President from 2019-2021. He continues to be an inspiration to every starry-eyed youngster who dreams of becoming a balloonist. 2016 – Jacqueline Hockey was one of the earliest members of the Balloon Fiesta Board of Directors, becoming the event’s treasurer in 1978. She served on the Board for 25 years, during which time she not only oversaw corporate hospitality but many of the Balloon Fiesta’s biggest private parties for sponsors, pilots, and guests. Originally from France, Jacqueline, with her fluent command of French, continues to make pilots and visitors from abroad feel especially welcome in Albuquerque. 2015 – Dick Rice Dick Rice is a hot air balloon pilot and longtime Balloon Fiesta supporter; having joined the Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta board of directors in 1977. He has served on the board as president and treasurer, currently serving as treasurer. As a retired successful CPA, his knowledge of all things fiscal have made his contributions to the Balloon Fiesta invaluable. Dick flies the “Spirit of Fiesta” balloon. COOL THINGS TO SEE & DO [CONTINUED]

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