ally land in a nicelydesignated Ballooning teaches life skills. location lie an airort eir Ballooning is a great incubator landing sites are oen fi elds for te sills tat mae one a ars sometimes city streets or successful arent colleague and een bacyards and a balloon friend e list of attributes em ist landing tere is deendent on loyers loo for in Œob candidates te lando€ner’s ositality ƒost – so€ing u on time arori lando€ners are trilled to see you atelydressed taing resonsibil But oters are not – esecially if ity for your Œob Žand your inei tey ae orses or oter animals table mistaes‘ €oring €it your Happy to see you! table mistaes‘ €oring €it your tat can be sooed by te noise of te fello€ team members resecting burner tose around you – all aly eery ƒaintaining good relations €it land time you fl y Planning aead anticiating o€ners is imeratie bot for indiidual get inside tat you close it again It also bot obstacles and oortunities aing balloonists and for big ballooning eents includes al€ays but al€ays listening to contingency lans and leaing a margin lie te Balloon Fiesta It really comes aologi‡ing to and resecting te land for error to accommodate te ineitable do€n to te …olden †ule – treating te o€ner no matter o€ uset e or se snafus in €or and life are aluable sills eole on €ose roerty you land as may be e guy €o came u €it te to ae bot at te offi ce and at ome you €ould €ant to be treated if a bal saying “‰ilomacy is te art of saying €it te souse and ids And Œust tin loon landed at your ouse and training ‘nice doggie’ until you can fi nd a roc” of all te fun you ad learning tem your cre€ to do te same is includes defi nitely doesn’t belong on a case cre€ maing yourself and oters ay and asing ermission – or attemting to – or in a balloon baset discoering friends from all €als of life before entering someone’s roerty and surrounded by te beauty and magic of maing sure tat if you oen a gate to ballooning Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta 2019 Offi cial Program 86 ®