Hard work, lifelong bonds: Jonathan Wolfe with his balloon team. really embarrassing to show up at subtle form of peer the launch site to fi nd out you left the pressure‚. ƒt’s in instruments at home, the infl ator fan is these situations you out of fuel, the radio batteries are dead, really have to now or – horrors! – you forgot to put ice in yourself, now your the cooler. On a more serious note, sills, and correctly discipline also involves being “fi t to fl y” udge whether you mentally and physically . . . and not fl y should be in the air. ing if you aren’t. ƒt sometimes helps Ballooning teaches judgment. to remember the here’s an old saying in ballooning that other old ballooning “the hardest thing about fl ying is not saying„ “ƒt’s better fl ying.” ou’re all dressed up and ready to be down here to go, you’ve hauled your crew out of wishing you were bed at the crac of dawn, and it’s ust up there than up bree y enough that you’re not en there wishing you were down here.” there wishing you were down here.” Dropping into the neighborhood: tirely comfortable with the conditions. Ballooning teaches diplomacy. Ballooning teaches diplomacy. a time for diplomacy? ompounding this is that other people here are few sports where a partici €whose sill set and comfort levels are pant is more dependent on the good different than yours‚ are fl ying, and will of others more than ballooning. oh, if she can do it, surely ƒ can €a very …nlie airplanes, balloons don’t gener 85 PICTURE PERFECT