a cre but t€at’s t€e e”ce… a cre but t€at’s t€e e”ce… ballooning into lifelong friends€is tion  tion  ‰€e’re riceless •en Blanc€ard t€e “One •en Blanc€ard t€e “One Ballooning teaches responsibility. –inute –anager” gu sas –inute –anager” gu sas Ž‹ert€ing about being in‹ol‹ed in bal… “—one of us is as smart as all “—one of us is as smart as all looning screams €a‹ing to be reson… of us” and t€e members of of us” and t€e members of sible – to ourself to t€e balloon team t€e best cres ­no t€at t€e best cres ­no t€at to ot€er ilots in t€e s­ around ou to In t€e interest of safet and In t€e interest of safet and t€e landoners €ere ou land (more fun t€e do t€eir or­ as if fun t€e do t€eir or­ as if on t€is later and for being safe and t€e balloon t€e ilots t€eir t€e balloon t€e ilots t€eir €a‹ing fun fello cre members and fello cre members and Ballooning teaches discipline. ‰€e e‹erone else in‹ol‹ed are balloonist’s da begins before dan t€eir on famil members as in often in t€e middle of t€e nig€t O‹er time t€e trul Before e‹en getting to t€e launc€ site become a famil ‰€e t€e ilot €as been in contact it€ Flig€t €a‹e eac€ ot€er’s bac­s ‘er‹ice and e‹aluates eat€er data and trust in eac€ ot€er to sea­ u and trust in eac€ ot€er to sea­ u from a ‹ariet of sources from so€isti… if t€e see somet€ing amiss (‹ital in Over trees, powerlines, if t€e see somet€ing amiss (‹ital in cated ebsites to stic­ing a fi nger into and buildings: a situation ­eeing e‹erone and e‹ert€ing safe t€e air to see if t€e ind’s bloing ™e calling for patience and O‹er time t€ese bonds often transcend or s€e €as ta­en a quic­ in‹entor of fl exibility. t€e balloon equiment because it’s t€e balloon equiment because it’s (building oer line ou don’t ant to run into At or­ it means getting t€ings done enoug€ a€ead of deadline t€at ou’re not “toast” if somet€ing €aens at t€e last minute In s€ort t€at margin for error ­ees ou out of trouble Ballooning nurtures leadership ability. „€en ou become a balloon ilot ou also become t€e leader of a team resonsible for t€e safet and ell…being of our assengers cre sectators and anone else €o mig€t s€o u in our fl ig€t at€ ‡re as… sengers sectators all loo­ to ou for direction … and more ‰€ere are a Šillion quotes about €at leaders€i is and isn’t but fe leaders €a‹e been around longer and earned more resect t€an Œueen ŽliŠabet€ II ‘€e sas’ “…O‹er t€e ears I €a‹e obser‹ed t€at some attributes of lead… ers€i are uni‹ersal and are often about fi nding as of encouraging eole to combine t€eir efforts t€eir talents t€eir ent€usiasm and t€eir insiration to or­ toget€er ” As team leaders t€e best balloon ilots do “ust t€at Ballooning teaches teamwork. If t€ere are a Šillion quotes out t€ere about leaders€i t€ere are a Šillion and one about t€e imortance and ‹alue of teamor­ Ballooning is a team sort eriod requiring a ground cre t€at €els infl ate c€ase and retrie‹e t€e A good place to leave a margin for error! (The balloon is further away from balloon (‰€ere are a fe ilots €o fl  the power poles than it appears….) ‹er small one…erson balloons it€out Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta 2019 Offi cial Program 84 ®

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