THE IRISH BALLOONIST BLESSING BY DICK BROWN FOR THE AIBF HERITAGE COMMITTEE he original author is an bothar leat” hich literall transƒ unknon the tet has lates as ‡o ›ma œ nƒéirí ›riseœ an bóthar multile ariations an ›the roaœ leat ›ith ouœ in other surrisingl  accoring ors “€a ou be successful on our to ­om €c‚ormick Žourne ” or “‰ae a safe Žourne ”„ ­he TIrish Ballooning Assoƒ French oul siml sa “Bon Ÿo age”„ ciation ast resient “hile the author of this articular blessƒ the Irish Balloonist Blessing has not ing is also unknon man attribute it to been in common use in Irelan since …t„ Patrick as it is similar to his ritings„ the late sities hen moern hot air ballooning got its start„ As to fi nƒ May the road rise up to meet you. ing its source ­om cautions there are May the wind be always at your bac. man similar Irish blessings„ May the sun shine warm upon your face …ome call it a blessing some a the rains fall soft upon your fi elds and ra er„ †r„ ­om €c‚onnell ast resiƒ until we meet again may God hold you ent of the Albuquerque International in the palm of is hand. Balloon Fiesta turns to the ictionar „ A blessing is to inoke iine faor to Again in an sun are inclue in consecrate something b rite action this ra er but rain too erhas in refƒ or or an to eress gratitue„ A erence to the ¡meral Isle’s lush green ra er seeks ‡o’s faor an rotecƒ lanscae„ ­he ancient Irish ere sai tion a solemn request for hel but is to hae a ee areciation for nature„ also an eression of thanks„ ‰aing the in at our back ma ‰ere is the common tet for a blessƒ iml lack of an harshis or seere ing recite at ostƒfl ight ceremonies ­his oular ersion contains the challenges„ …ailors ala s ish for an sometimes at secial celebrations natural elements of ballooning – in “Fair “ins an Folloing …eas” – a honoring aeronauts ho hae asse an sun – but also the human emotions nautical blessing origin also unknon on‹ of loe an Žo „ an another a of sa ing “‰ae a In ‘ul 201’ ‘ames “ilson riting for safe Žourne ”„ It has long been use The winds have welcomed you with Irish‚entral a igital meia coman b seafarers hoing for the safest an softness. The sun has blessed you with catering to Irish Americans suggeste smoothest a ahea in other ors its warm hands. You have fl own so high one ossible source of this blessing is a ieal in sees ›as in ballooningœ and so well that God has joined you in faorite traitional Irish blessing often ith trael in the same irection as the laughter And set you gently down into use as a ra er “€a the •oa •ise – ocean currents„ Imagine a essel being the loving arms of Mother Earth. to €eet —ou”„ In ‡aelic it is “‡o nƒéirí Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta® 2019 Offi cial Program 70

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