GETTING THERE IS HALF THE “FUN” BY PAUL SMITH, AIBF EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR raffi c. Perhaps the most the traffi c control plan for Balloon dreaded word in the plan- Fiesta access. ning of Balloon Fiesta. Clearly there are lots of Physical limitations Tcritical issues in the op- Balloon Fiesta Par is located in the eration of Balloon Fiesta, City of €lbuquerque and its location such as fl ight regulations, airspace, pi- presents certain challenges for access. lot and balloon qualifi cations. oweer, he launch fi eld is bounded on two traffi c is one area where we hae little sides by €€FC€ drainage channels. or no control. he only public access oer these Balloon Fiesta employs a full-time channels is by two ehicular bridges ransportation anager. is areas and three pedestrian†bicycle bridges. of responsibility include Par  ide, he third side of the Par is the ­andia Courtesy ­huttles and paring, as well Pueblo eseration. ‡hile our relation- as traffi c. hroughout the year, we ship with ­andia Pueblo is stronger meet with €lbuquerque Police ‚epart- than eer, we aren’t allowed to con- ment, Bernalillo County ­heriff’s „ffi ce, struct roadways through their resera- City of €lbuquerque ransportation tion. ‚epartment, the … ‚epartment of he fourth side, the east side of ransportation and the traffi c control the Par, includes ˆ-‰Š. he ˆnterstate deice company. ogether we deise highway does a great ‹ob of allowing PICTURE PERFECT 79

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