GETTING THERE IS HALF THE “FUN” BY PAUL SMITH, AIBF EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR raffi c. Perhaps the most the traffi c control plan for Balloon dreaded word in the plan- Fiesta access. ning of Balloon Fiesta. Clearly there are lots of Physical limitations Tcritical issues in the op- Balloon Fiesta Par is located in the eration of Balloon Fiesta, City of €lbuquerque and its location such as fl ight regulations, airspace, pi- presents certain challenges for access. lot and balloon qualifi cations. oweer, he launch fi eld is bounded on two traffi c is one area where we hae little sides by €€FC€ drainage channels. or no control. he only public access oer these Balloon Fiesta employs a full-time channels is by two ehicular bridges ransportation anager. is areas and three pedestrian†bicycle bridges. of responsibility include Par ide, he third side of the Par is the andia Courtesy huttles and paring, as well Pueblo eseration. ‡hile our relation- as traffi c. hroughout the year, we ship with andia Pueblo is stronger meet with €lbuquerque Police ‚epart- than eer, we aren’t allowed to con- ment, Bernalillo County heriff’s „ffi ce, struct roadways through their resera- City of €lbuquerque ransportation tion. ‚epartment, the … ‚epartment of he fourth side, the east side of ransportation and the traffi c control the Par, includes ˆ-‰Š. he ˆnterstate deice company. ogether we deise highway does a great ‹ob of allowing PICTURE PERFECT 79