Fiesta Para an Balloon Fiesta Fiesta Para an Balloon Fiesta Para •to lanes– from I-2ƒ Para •to lanes– from I-2ƒ Assuming 2ƒ’ er car„ fi lling eer Assuming 2ƒ’ er car„ fi lling eer traffi c lane aailable„ this man cars traffi c lane aailable„ this man cars oul equal more than — ƒ miles oul equal more than — ƒ miles of cars in each lane˜ Assuming of cars in each lane˜ Assuming e can rocess one car eer si™ e can rocess one car eer si™ secons in each lane„ it oul tae secons in each lane„ it oul tae 1—š minutes-about three hours- to 1—š minutes-about three hours- to ar 11„000 cars˜ ar 11„000 cars˜ Obiousl e nee to„ an o„ ar cars more quicl than that ›e constantl reie our roce- ures to see u the rocess ›e or to hire more arers an aring fee collectorsˆ a signage to reare riers for the aring fee collectionˆ or ith the ‹it to offer aitional access oints to the Par ­his ear„ the ‰e “e™ico Œegislature allocate œž ƒ million to fun imroements to Balloon Fiesta Par access Ÿo those funs ill be use has not et been funs ill be use has not et been etermine but some ieas inclue¡ This aerial photo, looking south from over the Sandia Reservation, shows some of the ac- etermine but some ieas inclue¡ cess limitations to Balloon Fiesta Park. There just aren’t many roads. I-25 is at upper left. acquisition of aring near the Par ith shuttles into the Parˆ reuros- north-south traffi c aroun the area of Another art of the resonse is ing a ortion of the €Ž lot south of the Par but it also creates a boun- base on our infrastructure an our Alamea Bl for automobile aringˆ ar ith onl to access oints from eman on it AIBF has access to constructing an entrance ram to„ an the east sie of Albuquerque-Alamea about 1ƒ„000 aring saces uring from„ I-2ƒˆ an re-esign of the Par ¢ Bl an ­rama €oa Balloon Fiesta Public access to the €ie loaing£unloaing areas Par inclues Alamea Bl to Balloon ›e reali¤e traffi c ill continue to Demands on the Infrastructure “useum ”rie •to lanes–ˆ Šan “ateo be an issue for Balloon Fiesta an an Our guests hae sometimes •to lanes– to Šan ”iego or Balloon eent as large as ours ›e also real- commente that e’e been i¤e that aressing this issue ill een conucting Balloon Fiesta more imor- for almost ƒ0 ears an e tant as e shoul hae traffi c issues aroach our resole b no ­here hae ƒ0th ¥ent in been comments about ho 2021 other large eents hae been able to resole their traf- fi c issues„ so h can’t e… Part of the anser is to loo at other eents’ “solutions”ˆ From 1986-95, an in oing so e’e foun the south RV other large eents face the parking lot was same challenges I isite the Balloon the ‰AŠ‹A€ race at Œas Fiesta’s launch site, and portions Žegas an after the race„ of it are still used e sat in the aring lot for for landings. Re- three hours before e coul confi guring the leae ‘enerall„ Balloon site might create Fiesta’s aring lots ill extra parking. be emt ’ƒ minutes-one Alameda Blvd. is at the bottom of hour after the close of each this image. session Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta 2019 Offi cial Program 80 ®

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