when all the alloons fi re their urners and light u at the same time is er‚ has the most sectacular single moment in all of Bal‚ loon Fiesta. Secial shae alloons hae their own alloon glows on hursday and Friday of Balloon Fies‚ ta week …see elow†. America’s Challenge Gas Balloon Race Launch scheduled Satur- the Neon West Band. Your day, October 5, approxi- admission also gets you mately 6 PM: For alloon into the Night Magic Glow ilots it’s one of the and AfterGlow Fireworks toughest tests of skill and AerGlow™ Firewors Show! For more on this endurance in the world as Show resene Sania €T‚ER EVENTSƒ eent isit age . nine chamionshi teams Resor an Casino fl y across America trying Saturday October 5, While at Balloon Fiesta to achiee the greatest dis‚ Sunday October 6, Thurs- Œark e sure to enŽoy the EVENING EVENTS tance. o learn more a out day October 10, Friday A‘BF ‹hainsaw ‹aring Balloon Glows this eˆciting race turn to October 11, and Saturday ’ˆhi ition the Fiesta of age ‰Š. October 12, immediate- Wheels ‹ar Show in Twilight Twinkle Glow™ trading and our many T ly after the Glows; note Saturday October 5, pre- Secial Shae Gloweo Main Stage erformances! sented by the Albuquer- Thursday October 10 and that AfterGlow times may ‹heck online at BalloonFi‚ que Journal, Balloon Glow, Friday October 11: he change due to fi eld and esta.com or on our social Sunday, October 6 and fantastic secial shae weather conditions: he media ages for details Night Magic Glow, Satur- alloons are een more fi reworks shows at the and times. Also don’t day, October 12 present- fantastic in the glow of Balloon Fiesta are some of forget to sho and eat your ed by Canon: he static early eening! he Secial the est erformed any‚ way through Main Street dislays of illuminated Shae Glowdeo features where! Œlan to stay after isit the Balloon “iscoery alloons known as “ alloon eeryone’s faorite shaes the alloon glows to enŽoy ‹enter and our Artisans glows” are among the Bal‚ from ees to irds to ears. the sectacle! tent and more! loon Fiesta’s most oular ‹ome early ecause this is eents. he “All Burn” one of the Balloon Fiesta’s most oular eents! 11 PPIICTCTUURREE PERFECT