Your Guie to Balloon Fiesta Events MORNING EVENTS ages„ maing te Balloon Dawn Patrol/Dawn Patrol Fiesta’s Œisit to teir scool Show presente Rote a true communit eŒent‚ asino otel an RV Par o…petitions Daily€ is “balloon glo in Weekdays’ In ballooning te s ” features as man com…etitions„ …ilots use as a o€en balloons‚ On ins at ifferent altitues ƒass Ascension a s„ …ilots to reac a target an ro… …erform te †an Patrol a marer so it lans as ‡o„ a coreogra…e close to te center of te infl ation an launc set to target as …ossible‚ e music tat as been …art com…etitions also feature of te Balloon Fiesta since te 199‰‚ Speƒial Shape Roeo™ presente ‚ND Šells Far†o Ban DON’T MISSŒ Thursday, October 11 Msiƒ Fiesta™ Featrin† “presented by Wells Fargo Žstin Moore‘ Presente Bank” and Friday, Nash „RST ’“”• October 12: –elebratŠ ing teir —0t ear„ tese 1 PM Saturday, October 12: s…ecial mass ascensions is e™citing afternoon Pole Grab an ‘ing es…eciall socase te eŒent s…otligts countr oss„ ere …ilots fl to increible craftsmansi…„ music su…erstars šustin Mass ‚sƒensions/„risp …oles at Balloon Fiesta creatiŒit „ an artistr tat ƒoore an –assaee Po…e„ „re…e Mornin† Glow Par to in fabulous …ri€es“ mae monsters„ critters„ an along it Albuquerque’s Weekends and Wednesday: OŒerall inners are eterŠ ˜ust about an ting else ou on lor Branon an mine b iniŒiual …ilots’ can imagine tae fl igt‚ e s…ectacular ƒass can imagine tae fl igt‚ Ascensions of unres cumulatiŒe scores uring of otŠair balloons are te Balloon Fiesta ee‚ Balloon Fiesta’s signature Fli†ht oˆ the Nations eŒents an are …recee Wednesday, October 9: b te Žris… Žreme ƒornŠ e Fligt of te ”ations at ing Glo„ a “mini” balloon •enesa ’s ƒass AscenŠ glo‚ sion onors …ilots from all ‚l‡er‡e ‚loˆt te nations …artici…ating Friday, October 4 in Balloon Fiesta„ man of approximately 7:00 AM: om launc fl ing teir On te Fria before national fl ag‚ Balloon Fiesta begins„ balloons fl from scools in Albuquerque an ‘io ‘anŠ co‚ ‡ome scool PAs sell foo an ot beŒerŠ Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta 2019 Offi cial Program 10 ®