CELEBRATING 50 YEARS People Who Make It Happen: The Balloon Fiesta® Wall of Fame Information compiled by Charlotte Kinney, Tom McConnell, and Kim Vesely of the AIBF Heritage Committee ehind every Albuquerque International Ben Abruzzo Balloon Fiesta are thousands of people – Hall of Fame 1985 pilots, crews, volunteers (Navigators), staff , As co-captain of the fi rst manned gas law enforcement and military personnel, balloon transits of the Atlantic and Pacifi c city and county workers, sponsors, Oceans, Ben Abruzzo’s record-setting fl ights vendors, civic organizations, and many put Albuquerque on the ballooning map; B others – each of whom makes a special and unique he also triumphed in the Friends of Gordon Bennett gas balloon race. contribution to the magic. Through its “Wall of Fame,” the Balloon Fiesta recognizes some of those people, individuals whose exceptional eff orts have played pivotal roles in the Richard Abruzzo creation and continued success of the event. The Wall Hall of Fame 2011 of Fame recognizes: In his father’s adventurous tradition, Richard • Inductees into the Balloon Fiesta Hall of Fame Abruzzo set dozens of world records, • Recipients of the Heritage Award completed a transatlantic crossing of his • Presidents of the AIBF Board of Directors own, and won the Coupe Gordon Bennett • Balloonmeisters (the lead offi cial in charge of (2004), fi ve America’s Challenge gas balloon races, and two Balloon Fiesta Key fl ying operations) Grabs. • Executive Directors, Directors of Operations and Event Directors (the highest- ranking staff members) Maxie Anderson Hall of Fame 1985 Maxie Anderson focused world attention on Albuquerque as he co-captained the fi rst transatlantic crossing, completed the fi rst non-stop transcontinental fl ight, and took the fi rst steps leading to successful non- stop around-the-world balloon fl ights. ® 262 Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta

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