Scott Appelman Jim Benson Heritage Award 2013; Hall of Fame 2017 Hall of Fame 1998 Scott Appelman played a key role in creating Jim “Badtoe” Benson was the Balloon some of the Balloon Fiesta’s biggest events, Fiesta’s fi rst full time Field Manager; Jim including the Balloon Glows and the Special was pivotal in laying the foundation for the Shape Rodeo and Glowdeo. Thousands of infrastructure at the current Balloon Fiesta passengers experience the thrill of fl ying Park and the groundwork for turning fi eld in the Balloon Fiesta through his company, management into a professional operation. Rainbow Ryders. Jim Baca Wally Book Hall of Fame 1998 Balloonmeister 2001-02 In 1975, as an aide to then-Mayor Heritage Award 2014 Harry Kinney, Jim Baca was one of the One of the Balloon Fiesta’s earliest pilots, Wally Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta’s Book began fl ying in the event in 1974, but is original incorporators. In the early years he best known as a staunch advocate for pilot coordinated city services supporting the safety. He’s served for more than 30 years as a Balloon Fiesta, and later served as Mayor of Safety Offi cer, was Balloonmeister in 2001- Albuquerque. 2002, and as a fl uent French speaker has been an ambassador for international pilots. Ray Bair Pat Brake President 2009-10; Hall of Fame 2012 Balloonmeister 1996-97 Balloon Fiesta past president and a former Event Direrctor 1998-2010 FAA Designated Examiner who has certifi ed Among a long line of strong female leaders dozens of balloon pilots, Ray Bair is a former at Balloon Fiesta, Pat Brake stands out, hav- head of the America’s Challenge gas race ing been Balloonmeister, Event Director, and Command Center and, in 2021 at age 80, board member. In 2005, she became the became the oldest pilot to place in the top fi rst woman to ever serve as Event Director three overall in Balloon Fiesta competition. for the Coupe Gordon Bennett, the world’s oldest air race. Jodi Baugh Dick Brown Hall of Fame 1999 Heritage Award 2012; Hall of Fame 2016 The dynamic Jodi Baugh transformed the Another early Balloon Fiesta fl yer, Dick Balloon Fiesta’s marketing and advertising Brown is one of the Balloon Fiesta’s leading structure in the 1990s, creating a sponsor- historians and experts on ballooning. A for- ship structure which helped to establish the mer editor of Ballooning magazine, Dick has Balloon Fiesta’s fi nancial security and im- contributed dozens of articles to the Balloon proved amenities for sponsors and guests. Fiesta program and is co-author of three books about the Balloon Fiesta. Sam Baxter Dick Butterfi eld Hall of Fame 2011 Balloonmeister 1990-91 Patriarch of the “Adams Family” ballooning Longtime safety offi cer and 1990-91 group, for more than a decade Field Balloonmeister, Dick Butterfi eld is another Manager Sam Baxter led the team that strong advocate for safety. His alter ego, turns Balloon Fiesta Park into a “city” “Captain Stupid,” jolted sleepy balloon pilots capable of supporting 100,000 people and awake to hear his safety messages (and safely launching more than 500 balloons. occasionally get taken to task) at dozens of early morning pilot briefi ngs. Gary Bennett J.W. Byrd President 2006-07 Hall of Fame 2004 Albuquerque businessman and balloonist One of Albuquerque’s early pilots and Gary Bennett has served on the Balloon earliest Balloon Fiesta Safety Offi cers, J.W. Fiesta Board since 1999. A real estate Byrd also was a pilot examiner and national developer by trade, he is also a competitive competition offi cial. At Balloon Fiesta, he balloonist and former President of Top Gun, was the scoring offi cer in charge of calculat- the Albuquerque competition ballooning ing competition results, and a mentor and club. friend to hundreds of balloonists. OFFICIAL PROGRAM 263

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