Jim Byrd Jay Czar Heritage Award 2020 President 2016-17 Jim Byrd followed in his father’s footsteps 2016-17 AIBF President Jay Czar was for as a pilot and then as the Balloon Fiesta’s many years the director of the Albuquerque number-cruncher for both hot air and gas International Sunport. The City of Albuquer- balloon competition; he is still the America’s que is an important partner in putting on a Challenge scoring offi cer. Jim has spent successful Balloon Fiesta, and Jay’s exper- years developing and refi ning the Balloon tise helped facilitate that relationship. Fiesta’s scoring software. Ron Caldwell Carol Rymer Davis Balloonmeister 1980 Hall of Fame 2005 In addition to serving as Balloonmeister Carol Rymer Davis, probably the most and a safety offi cer and board member, Ron decorated female balloonist in history, is the Caldwell leveraged his military connections only woman to date to win the Coupe Gordon to bring the Navy Leapfrogs and Army Bennett, set world altitude, duration, & distance Golden Knights to the Balloon Fiesta, records, was a safety offi cer at Balloon Fiesta, beginning a tradition of thrilling parachute and mentored a generation of balloonists. She exhibitions at the event. will be inducted into the FAI Ballooning Hall of Fame this year. Aubrey Cookman John Davis Hall of Fame 1998 President 1982; Hall of Fame 1985; A retired journalist with a distinguished Balloonmeister 1988-89; Heritage Award 2006 record, Aubrey Cookman was one of the Bal- The Balloon Fiesta’s longest-serving Board mem- loon Fiesta’s original incorporators and its ber – more than 40 years – John Davis’s contri- fi rst media director. He laid the foundation butions to the event are too many to count. John for a press operation which facilitates media and his wife Carol were among Albuquerque’s coverage for hundreds of photographers earliest balloonists, and as an instructor and FAA and print and television journalists. Designated Examiner, John certifi ed dozens of balloon pilots. Neida Courtney Don Draper Balloonmeister 1983-84 Balloonmeister 1972 Neida Courtney is one of the earliest female The long line of Balloonmeisters begins with balloon pilots in Albuquerque, and in 1983 Don Draper, who with Sid Cutter ran the became the second woman to serve as very fi rst Balloon Fiesta in 1972. Don and Balloonmeister. Neida also served on the Sid had 10 days to stage the event, and it is board of directors and was instrumental said that as they fl ew off in the lead balloon, in founding the Balloon Explorium, bring- Sid turned to Don and said, “Well, we’ve ing children’s educational exhibits to the fi nally seen a balloon race.” Balloon Fiesta. Neida Courtney-Bueno Don Edwards Balloonmeister 2011-12 Event Director 2010-15 “Neida Kid” to old-timers who remember A veteran pilot and event organizer, Don when she was little, Neida Courtney-Bueno Edwards joined the Balloon Fiesta in 2010 as grew up at Balloon Fiesta, became a pilot, Event Director. Don had fl own in the Balloon and was a launch offi cer, safety offi cer and Fiesta and the Special Shape Rodeo for Assistant Balloonmeister before becoming many years and from time to time continues the Balloon Fiesta’s fi rst second-generation to participate in the event. Balloonmeister. Sid Cutter Paul Enz Balloonmeister 1972, 1974-75 Balloonmeister 1981 Executive Director 1973-75 Paul Enz was the Balloonmeister in 1981, Hall of Fame 1983; Heritage Award 2005 one of the earliest years where the Balloon “The father of us all,” Sid Cutter’s vision Fiesta began to incorporate other forms and imagination led directly to the creation of fl ying for spectator entertainment. The of the Albuquerque International Balloon “Wild Waco” air show featuring biplane aero- Fiesta. Sid started and nurtured the Balloon batics was one of these, and Paul fl ew as the Fiesta and the hundreds of Albuquerque wing walker in one of the shows. balloonists whose expertise sustained the event. Read more about Sid on page 36. ® 264 Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta

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